Theres more to stickfight than meets the eye, not that much but theres some secrets….
Most of these were found on local, i dont know why they aren’t in online but if you want to find them get yourself either, a freind with a controller, or just a controller if your lonely.
Statistics Room
Ok so this is a strange one, I thinks this is the only room that can also (rarely) be found on online as some freinds said they’ve seen it to. It’s basically a room which hands out some stats but thats about it, none the less it’s pretty cool.
Boxes Room
If this rings a bell, it should after all this room was featured in the trailer on steam. It’s not very “secret” on local as you can just stick maps on dessert and find it but once again it’s not avalible on multiplayer.
Volley Ball Room
Ok so this has to be the strangest one i’ve found, it’s basically a room with a spiky pilon and a exploding ball. I think the idea is to chuck it to each side like hot potato as it explodes when the number reaches 1. I think the main reason this isn’t in online is that it’s a bit broken. Once the ball explodes thats it you just wait for somenone to run into the spikes I guess.
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