Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children – Mastery Set Effects


Fire Blessing

Fire Resistance I + II + III
Receive Regeneration when hit by Fire atk.
Regeneration – Restore 3.33% hp at the start of every turn. Duration 3 turns.

Physical Resist. I/II/III

Blunt I(II,III) + Pierce I(II,III) + Slash I(II,III)
Physical Resist. I effect : Physical property damage is reduced by 10%.

The Best Choice

Tactical Envelopment + Tactical Sense + Concentrated Fire + Strategist
Tactical Sense: If you have more enemies than your own, your defense rate increases by an additional 5%.
Tactical Siege: If you have a larger number of enemies than your enemy, your accuracy will increase by an additional 5%.
Critical Hit Damage increases by 15%.

Final Resistance

Indomitable Will + Will to Survive + Survival Training + Body Training
Final Resistance : If your health is below 10%, defend against all attacks.

The Expert

Large Bottom Pocket + Large Top Pocket + Practised Hands
I didn’t test it, It is assumption.
Action time for tools reduces by 1.


Muscle Armor + Muscle Training + Body Training + Solidity
Hp increases by 200.
I didn’t test it. It is assumption.


Lightning Reflexes + Run + Bounding Stride + Highspeed
Speed increases by 10
Move distance by 1.

Swordsman Class (Albus, Alisa)


Counterattack + Sharp Blade + Swordmaster + Alacrity.
When Dodging: Counterattacks will definitely hit the enemy. (Can Crit)
When Hit: The counterattack will be a critical hit on the enemy. (Can Miss)
It is weird that it can miss.


Hemorrhage + Bloodshed + Blood Scent + Blood Thirst.
When Attacking: Fully Recover all action points when taking enemies in Bleeding out of action.
When Defending: Action time decreases by 10.
Target must be in bleeding status
Doesn’t work if you 1 hit or crit. You can’t use the same skill again

Combo attack

Bladestorm + Swordmaster + Adventurer + Highspeed
Bladestorm: Attacks activated by Bladestorm will always hit.
Adventurer: Additional 10% damage to higher lvl enemies.

Combatant Class (Irene, Leton, Don)


Counterattack + Final Blow + Clean Hit + Close Combatant
When Dodging: Counterattack damage increases by +50%
When Hit: Counterattack damage increaess by +100%.

Mage Class (Sion, Carter, Bianca)

Soul Stealer

Burning the soul + Drain Soul + Mage + Willpower
Burning the Soul: Additionally decrease targets vigor by 10 when crit.
Burning the Soul: Recover the same amount of vigor burnt.
Max Vigor increases by 20

Fire Type (Irene, Carter)

Final Flame

Phoenix + Cauterize + Eternal Flame + InnerFlame
Cauterize: +1% hp per debuff recovered.
Phoenix: Overcharge revival
Generate 1 Fire Sp when turn ends.

Dancing Flame

Flame Crash + RagingFire + Roaring Blaze + Flamist
Crying Blaze: +25% chance to cause burn using fire attacks.
Flame Collision: +25% damage when attacking enemies with fire property debuffs.
Fire Critical damage +10%.

Lightning Type (Sion)


Acute Pain + Electric Shock + Energy Conversion + Lightning Master
Energy Conversion +10 sp extra.
Electric Shock 25% additional chance.
Vigor Recovery +2.

Wind Type (Albus, Bianca)

Blood Wind

Strong Wind + Wind Hammer + Wind Blade + Wind Master
Action Time decreases by 20 when taking out enemies. Wind Sp increaes by 10.

Second Wind

Wind Wall + Head Wind + Haze + Wind Road
Wind Wall: Additional damage from shots of falling attacks additionally decreases by 5%
Haze: Damage from melee attacks decreases by 5%.
Trigger Regeneration at the start of the turn if hp is below 33%

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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