Graveyard Keeper – First Week Guide (Church, Tech and Workshop)

First Week. Open the Church. Get some Blue points and make a decent workshop.

Quick Guide for Your First Week

Goals for the First Week:

  • Open the church.
  • A decent workshop (from where you are selfsustained and can continue expanding).
  • Have a decent amount (60) of tech points at the end of the week.

With the addition of flowerbeds, the church is now quite easy to open so this will have a rather low priority.

Your workshop will include:

  • 1 Sawhorse, 1 Chopping Spot, 1 Carpenter’s Workbench, 1 Furnace, 1 Wooden Anvil


The game uses special names for weekdays: Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, and Sloth. Most characters follow a set schedule, but the donkey acts on his own.

The guide assumes the donkey first comes on Merchant Day. If he doesn’t, just wait until he does and follow the guide from there.

It’s best if the donkey brings two bodies after the tutorial. This helps you get 3 silver on Sloth day. There’s a backup plan if he only brings one body.

The timing in the guide isn’t too strict. If you fall behind, you can catch up. Just make sure to visit people on the right day and during daytime.

First Day, Day of Pride

After the tutorial when you get your tools don’t immediately go to the Village, instead head back home.

  • Clear out your yard (6 dead bushes and 1 rock).
  • Chop down 5 trees and dig up their stumps.

You should be out of energy so go get some sleep (when you wake up you get a new quest, ignore it for now).

Day of Lust

It probably still is some night time left but head east towards the village, don’t forget to read the broken workstation in the garden so you can unlock the garden by talking with the Innkeeper.

First stop is the Inn, here you should talk with the Innkeeper, Ms Charm and Vagner (if you get there early you might have to wait for a little bit to trigger the scene with Ms Charm).

Sell your Burial Certificate to the Innkeeper. Head south east to the Blacksmith and do his quest with the slimes.

  • Buy 1x Iron Ingot

Head back to the Innkeeper and get a free beer (Gerry wants this). Before heading back home make a visit to the farmer (located south of the wheat field) ask about farming to learn some recipes.

  • Buy 1x Flour and 4x Carrot Seeds.

On your way back home collect some Red Flowers (you should find 4 along the road). Once home enable your garden and plant those seeds (4 seeds is for 1 plot).

  • Collect 2 buckets of water and use them to get just water.

Clear the cellar. While clearing the cellar you got some more flour, use it all to make dough and use 10 sticks for the Oven and start making bread.

Get some sleep.

Day of Gluttony

Tech, time to learn Sawing and Firewood. You should have 10 sticks, if not cut down some tree until you do. Make the Sawhorse and 6 Wooden Billets. Make the Chopping spot and 6 Firewood.

Use 2 Firewood to fuel the Oven and bake the rest of your bread.

Spend the rest of your energy collecting stone. Restore energy by sleeping then head down to the mortuary, you should get a corpse around now.

Tech, learn Softspares and Hardspares. Autopsy the new corpse (remove blood and fat) and bring it to the -3 grave in the lower right corner of the graveyard. Exhume that corpse (3 red and 1 white) and put the new one there.

Bring the old corpse back to the mortuary, and remove the skull, skin and bone from it. Also give Gerry his beer. Dump the corpse in the river.

Head back home and rest until full energy.

Day of Envy

Start by making Flitch and Wooden Billets. Turn some into Firewood. Learn Primitive Smithing and make a Wooden Anvil first. Use your Iron Ingot to make Small Iron Parts. Then build the Furnace. Go north of your home to find and mine Iron. Use Firewood to smelt Iron Ingots.

After that, head to the graveyard to clean it up. Fix some graves, including stone gravestones, a stone fence, and wooden crosses. If you get tired, eat some bread. When you’re done with everything, go to sleep. You should have enough time in the day for all this, but don’t worry if you fall behind.

Day of Wrath

Tech, learn Woodworking (you probably are short a few red points, cut down some trees and dig up the stumps). Construct the Workbench. Visit the Inquisitor to progress his story.

Rest of the day you can spend on whatever, but make sure you have 10 stones saved and at least 3 logs in backup. You can also spend some time collecting red flowers (you need a total of 10 on the upcoming Pride day).

Now comes an important part, if your donkey has been lazy and only delivered one corpse so far, this night is the last chance to get your second certificate in time. That is why you want to have 3 logs stored as backup. If he doesn’t deliver a corpse get up in the night, craft 9 billets and make 54 firewood.

Day of Sloth

Time to visit the astrologer, make sure to bring the skull you got earlier and hopefully 2 certificates, otherwise 1 certificate, 54 firewood and 5 bread.

It’s a long way there so head out early, you won’t be spending a lot of energy this day. Go to the Inn to sell your certificates (or 1 Certificate, 54x firewood and 5x bread). Continue east and you will find Dig, talk with him and buy 1x Seed Oil.

East, south east from Dig you will find the lighthouse and the Astrologer. Talk with him and buy 2x Clean Papers.

On your way back home make a stop at the dairy farm (north of the inn) and buy 5x Peat from the man there. Just west of here is a beekeeper and around there a decent number of red flowers, in case you need more. (You need a total of 10 red flowers (including those you gathered earlier). Also visit the Farmer and buy another 4x Carrot Seeds.

Plant the seeds.

Day of Pride

Time to open the church. You should bring 2 clean papers, 3 body parts, 10 stones, 10 red flowers and 5 peat.

Place the flowerbeds, talk with the Bishop and after the sermon head down to the cellar and use the table there, first the 2 papers to get some science points then study the 3 body parts to get 60 blue orbs.

A few days after you open the church the donkey will start making demands, that is why you have bought the seed oil and carrots (if you have a lot of excess carrots they are decent to bake).

End of Week One

In your second week, you can choose what to do next. It’s a good idea to make your tools better and improve the church inside to at least 10. A better church makes more faith and helps your sermons work better. Faith is more important than money right now.

Two other useful things to learn are:

  1. How to make your own paper. This helps you get more science points.
  2. How to build a crematorium. This lets you burn bad bodies instead of wasting them.

But it’s up to you what you want to do next. These are just suggestions.

Starting Tips for First Money

How Do I Make Money?

  • Each corpse you bury or cremate will get you a burial certificate – sell to Horadric at Dead Horse Tavern.
  • Crates w/ merchant, mid quests w/ inquisitor tent.
  • Nearly every npc buys firewood.
  • Successful prayers – especially the obvious ‘prayer for prosperity’ – they give ‘blessing of commerce’ papers that are worth 1 silver (to Keeper) – but are worth to NPC about 33 silver worth of trade (doing massive boost to trading tier unlocks.
  • Selling books to Astrologer (good for high efficiency zombies on the Random Text Generator workstation).
  • Selling tools or coal to blacksmith (coal will bankrupt him for a while – he recoups money from this slowly, tools are the best, as he sells them overnight, and has the money from selling them back the next day, so you can sell him more stuff).

General Tips

  • Alchemy scrolls work for recipes unlock achievement. It will give you a random potion item after you unlock all.
  • If you’re planning to go to swamp for the first time, do it with full energy and good 100% tools to save time.
  • Don’t buy beer for Gerry from Horadric, he’ll give it to you as a reward for his quest involving Krezvold.
  • For the heal potions achievement you have to drink it, not just craft it or buy from Clotho.
  • You can get +1 blue point per study if you eat Cake, Grape Pie, Honey Cake, Cheese Cake, Lentils Cutlets or Fancy Lentil Soup.
  • Kill all monsters on dungeon level 5 before opening the chest or the blood bucket won’t spawn and you will be forced to craft it yourself.
  • Collecting bees from wild hives is a tedious task even with health perk, so you might consider to buyout Beekeeper’s stock of insects couple of times at least.
  • Try to skip stone columbariums straight to marble ones. You can’t break or fancy plain ceramic urns to porcelains. Do one plain urn to study it and forget these. Burn the Old keeper for authenticity.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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