An achievements guide to Hero of the Kingdom III.
Other Hero of the Kingdom III Guides:
Story Achievements
These are unmissable ones as long as you are trying to finish the game.
Visit the Yellow Valley.
As you progress thru the game you will reach the second area of the game called Yellow Valley. The achievement should pop when you reach it.
Save the mayor of the Yellow Valley.
As the title suggests the mayor of Yellow Valley is in danger. Help and save him from the zombies and you will get the achievement.
Visit the Gray Valley.
As you fight your way thru a cave of monsters and orcs you will reach the mine (Gray Valley) when you get out of the cave. The achievement should pop when you reach it.
Visit the Azure Valley.
As you fight your way thru the catacombs full of monsters you will eventually reach Azure Valley. The achievement should pop when you reach it.
Achieve 70 fame.
I just added this one here since you will be forced to get at least 100 fame in order to speak to the king later on in the story.
Defeat Earthquaker.
After you defeat the 3 cursed demons Earthquaker will lose all power and protection and the achievement should pop.
Here are the 3 locations for the demons. It’s easy to find though since a demon will appear at the entrance whenever you find one.
Skill Related Achievements
All achievements related to the skills you learn you’ll find here.
Learn the cooking skill.
The first skill you learn in the game, in Green Valley a girl named Giselle will teach you how to cook.
Learn the fishing skill.
Shortly after learning the cooking skill you can pay a guy for a boat and you can access an island from the same area. Here you’ll meet Master fisherman and he’ll teach you the fishing skill for a little price.
Learn the herbalism skill.
When you reach Yellow Valley you will meet a girl named Matilda. In order to unlock the herbalism skill you need to do one quest for her which essentially is to kill like 2 zombies to regain a bracelet for her. After that she will teach you herbalism.
Learn the alchemy skill.
In Yellow Valley an alchemist named Gavin is willing to teach you the alchemy skill if you bring him some ingredients.
Learn the lockpicking skill.
In the caves and tunnels between Yellow Valley and Gray Valley a man named Brom is captured in a cage. Free him and he will teach you the lockpicking skill.
Learn the mining skill.
Right when you get to Gray Valley and enter the mine a man named Foreman will teach you the mining skill.
Learn the smithing skill.
A smith is willing to teach you the smithing skill when you get to Gray Valley after talking to the mayor.
Master hunter
Get the archery skill to 100.
Hunt animals over and over until you reach level 100. Hunting animals who requires a higher hunting level has a higher chance of leveling you up.
Master fisherman
Get the fishing skill to 100.
Fish over and over until you reach level 100. Doing more advanced fishing has a higher chance of leveling you up.
Master herbalist
Get the herbalism skill to 100.
Collect berries and flowers over and over until you reach level 100. Collecting things that requires high herbalism level has a higher chance of leveling you up.
Master alchemist
Get the alchemy skill to 100.
Brew potions over and over until you reach level 100. Brewing potions that requires a high alchemy level has a higher chance of leveling you up.
Master cook
Get the cooking skill to 100.
Cook food over and over until you reach level 100. Cooking food that requires a high cooking level has a higher chance of leveling you up.
Master warrior
Get the combat skill to 100.
Fight monsters over and over until you reach level 100. Fighting monsters who requires a high combat level has a higher chance of leveling you up.
Master thief
Get the lockpicking skill to 100.
Lockpick over and over until you reach level 100. Lockpicking objects that requires a high lockpicking level has a higher chance of leveling you up.
Legendary miner
Get the mining skill to 100.
Mine over and over until you reach level 100. Mining ores that requires a high mining level has a higher chance of leveling you up.
Master smith
Get the smithing skill to 100.
Craft weapons over and over until you reach level 100. Crafting weapons that requires a high smithing level has a higher chance of leveling you up.
Looting Related Achievements
Some may be related to skills but I decided to just put them in their own category here. Any achievement here is about looting, collecting and creating.
Mushroom picker
Find 200 mushrooms.
Excellent mushroom picker
Find 800 mushrooms.
Collect 800 mushrooms of all sorts as you play and explore the world.
Find 100 eggs.
Excellent looter
Find 400 eggs.
Collect 400 eggs all around the world.
Find 6 pearls.
Excellent diver
Find 24 pearls.
Simply collect 24 pearls. They may be hard to see but just look carefully around in the waters.
Find 30 lost crates and barrels.
Excellent searcher
Find 120 lost crates and barrels.
You will see crates and barrels scattered all over the world as you play. Often located in pretty abandoned and isolated areas. Simply collect 120 of them.
Find some treasure.
A little later a man standing on a bridge will tell you about a hidden treasure in a cave. You need a shovel for this one. Dig a few times in the cave until you reach the final one which is where the treasure is.
Have 1,000 gold coins.
Have 5,000 gold coins.
These 2 are all about having a lot of gold coins at one time. I have made a guide on how to make money. You can check it out here.
Tenacious fisherman
Catch 100 fish.
For this one you must learn the fishing skill before you can begin. Once you’ve learnt the fishing skill you simply need to fish 100 fish.
Good cook
Cook 2,000 food.
Excellent cook
Cook 8,000 food.
Become Gordon Ramsay and it should pop.
Lucky fisherman
Catch a golden fish.
This one is just luck based. Just keep fishing and eventually you will get a golden fish giving you the achievement.
Gather 100 berries.
Before you can begin this one you must learn the herbalism skill. After that you simply need to collect 100 berries from bushes.
Talented thief
Pick 15 locks.
Experienced thief
Pick 60 locks.
After you rescue the lockpicker in the tunnels and learn the skill you just have to pick 60 locks.
Make 100 healing potions.
After learning the alchemy skill you can start making your own healing potions. Simply make 100 of them.
Experienced alchemist
Make 600 various potions.
Continue making potions until you’ve made 600 of them.
Sword maker
Make 10 swords.
After you get the smithing skill you can begin crafting your own swords, make 10 of them.
Experienced smith
Make 80 weapons or shields.
Similar to Sword maker with the major difference being that you can craft any weapon and also shields. Craft 80 of them.
Iron ore miner
Mine 50 pieces of iron ore.
After learning the mining skill you simply need to mine 50 pieces of iron ore found in the mine and caves.
Silver ore miner
Mine 50 pieces of silver ore.
Very similar to Iron ore miner with the major difference being that you need to mine 50 pieces of silver ore.
Flower expert
Pick 300 flowers.
This one is related to the herbalism skill once again. Pick 300 flowers scattered all around the world.
Hunting & Combat Related Achievements
All achievements related to combat and hunting you’ll find in here.
Kill 50 monsters.
Tough warrior
Kill 150 monsters.
Legendary warrior
Kill 300 monsters.
As you progress thru the game just keep killing monsters until you reach 300.
Hunt down 20 rabbits.
Very simple, hunt down 20 rabbits.
Clever hunter
Hunt down 20 foxes.
This one is similar to Hunter but the fox has a higher archery level requirement so you’ll get this one easily when you are able to hunt foxes.
Tireless hunter
Hunt down 150 wild animals.
Most likely the hardest out of the animal hunting achievements but just keep hunting down animals until you reach 150.
Destroy all of the orc camps.
There are 2 camps in the game. After reaching Gray Valley and doing some quests the mayor will ask you to take down the orc’s camp in the mountains above the dam.
The second camp is located very close by if you instead head straight west from the mine. When you reach Azure Valley the commander will ask you to take down the second orc’s camp outside the castle.
Destroy both of these camps and you’ll get the achievement. The second camp’s orcs does require a very high combat skill level so it’s probably nothing you will be able to go for right away.
Other Achievements
The rest of the achievements that didn’t fit any other category you’ll find here.
Have at least 100 strength.
Have at least 1000 strength.
These 2 are very straight forward. Either go for these 2 when you are trying to max out your cooking skill or just buy a ton of food and then simply regain strength until you hit 1000.
Achieve 140 fame.
I believe you are able to finish the game before you get 140 fame so I didn’t include it in the unmissable ones. You will get fame for doing quests and helping people out around the kingdom.
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