Chest guide for CrossCode users. Easy to see, lots of hints!
More CrossCode Guides:
All Maps
- Rookie Harbor
- Autumn’s Rise
- Bergen Trail
- Bergen Village
- Temple Mine
- Maroon Valley
- Ba’kii Kum
- Autumn’s Fall
- Vermillion Wasteland
- Gaia’s Garden
- Basin Keep
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Rookie Harbor (7/7)

Autumn’s Rise (29/29)

Bergen Trail (29/29)

Bergen Village (17/17)

Temple Mine (25/25)

Maroon Valley (36/36)

Ba’kii Kum (5/5)

Autumn’s Fall (28/28)

Vermillion Wasteland (11/11)

Gaia’s Garden (66/66)
Gaia’s Garden has many more chests than other areas, with at least double the amount found anywhere else except Maroon Valley. You can’t reach many of these chests right away. To access them, you’ll need either:
- The Radiant Key from So’najiz Temple, or The Wave element from Zir’vitar Temple (which lets you use Wave teleporters).

Basin Keep (6/6)


Rhombus Square

Rhombus Dungeon

Faj’ro Temple

Zir’vitar Temple

So’najiz Temple (12/12)
The dungeon has 12 treasures that are often hard to find. The most important one is the Radiant Key, which you need to open golden chests.

Grand Krys’kajo

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