All hints and locations necessary for accessing the multiplatform easter egg without having to dig through random forum threads, Youtube videos, or anything else.
Guide to Accessing the Multiplatform Easter Egg
CrossCode version 1.3 came out on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PS4. This release added a new quest and pet for each platform. In the dungeon part of this quest, you can find a display with a message from “The 4 Visionaries.” This display gives you a key item and a clue specific to your platform. To complete this easter egg, you need to get all four clues from the four different platforms (you can find them in guides like this one). Then you use these clues to visit four locations, which will unlock the fifth and final location.
It should be noted that there are no rewards for completing this easter egg. If you’re just in it for in-game rewards, you can skip this entire task. Also, this guide will not cover the side quests for any platform; this is just for the post-quest easter egg.
Switch Clue
Autumn’s Fall, “North of a big ruin, surrounded by water”.

Xbox One Clue
Bergen Trail, “Between a laser bridge and the hidden lair of Frobbits out of reach”.

PC Clue
Maroon Valley, “At a hidden source of water, uncovered while searching for cursed treasure.

PS4 Clue
Gaia’s Garden, “At a crossing, on top of one of the four tree stumps”.

Easter Egg Location
All four clue locations must be visited with the key item from the quest!
Once the four hints have been visited, entering the final location will trigger a tracker to point you to the elevator.

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