UBOAT – Guide for Manual TDC (Using Mapwork or Attack Tools)

The following videos depict how I use map work to get the mathmetical measurements needed for accurate torpedo solutions in the Early Access builds of UBOAT. This guide was put together during UBOAT B118. The method isn’t exactly mine, but it’s just what I’ve realized that you can do in the game with the very basic tools we as Kapitanlieutnants have been provided. Hopefully like I said, one day the map work and useable TDC will be more fleshed out and realistic.

Other UBOAT Guides:

The Method

I use mixed measurements, just so you know, it’s the measurement setting that I recommend as measuring the speed the way I do works out mathematically.

Before the video starts, I already established the speed of the contact by placing a mark on it and using the chronometer and time compression to wait 3 minutes, then placed another mark. The distance travel in 3 minutes translates to Knots. For example, say I place a mark, start the chrono and wait 3 minutes. I place a mark on the contact at the end of 3 minutes, then measure the traveled distance and get 2km (2000m) this translates to 20 Knots.

Say the distance measured is 400m, then the speed of the contact is 4 Kn. What if the measurement is 450m? Or 750m? Then round up, the AI in these games never really go in between, so it’s always safe to round up. So I would chose 5kn, or 8kn. If you want to verify the speed on the contact, and have a nice broadside visual, I recommend backing up your speed measurement with the use of the periscope and chronometer.

When measuring the angle produced when the course of the target crosses your “compass” line, you measure the angles on the top half, not the bottom half’s angles. If a target is going North, East, North-East, South-East, or South the angle you measure is the true course, no math needed. If the target’s true course is technically greater than 180 degrees (It’s going South-West, West or North-West), you use the simple math problem 360-X= TC. 360 Is the full compass circle. X is the measured angle. TC, or True Course is the Answer.

A Mapwork Example

When you draw your first line for use as a compass reference, you don’t even need to use a protractor. It can just be a basic North-South line, but I like using the protractor. All you’re using the line for is to produce an angle. Here is an example of me using this method in action.

TDC Tools Example

So now that I understand how to use the AOB tool in game thanks to T. , I will share with you what I’ve learned.

The AOB (Labeled as “Course” Tool) works off of what you see relative from your boat.
You have a 360 degree compass that represents view points from your boat, and a plastic strip that points to where your target is. The part of the tool you manipulate is supposed to mimic the Angle on the Bow that you see. (Hence why the description says to match what you see.)

Angle on the Bow is what the ship would see you at. So if you are standing on a ship and see a Uboat at 90 degrees to the right (starboard), the Uboat would say your AOB is 90 Starboard. If you see the Uboat at 270 left (port) then the Uboat would say your AOB is 90 port. Finding AOB with this tool, will then tell you the course of the target.

Measuring the the course before hand, like I did, provides a point of reference to use when using this tool.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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