Solution to the button puzzle found in Livre ex Machina (library).
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Within the Livre ex Machina, you will likely have come across this button:
When you first come across it, you will not be able to solve this puzzle. You will need the gravity flip shard that you find much later in the game. It comes from a boss within the lava caves. You will also need the Craftwerk shard, but by this point you’ll already have it.
First, start at the bottom of the room, with the grabable/moveable bookshelf. Go ahead and grab it using the Craftwerk ability. While maintaining the hold, flip your gravity by hitting Down+Up+A. This will send you down, along with the bookshelf you should still be holding onto. Stay to the right, where the button will now be.
Once you’re confident you’re below the button, flip the gravity back and fall down onto the button, dropping the bookshelf onto it. That will open up the gate to the right. Congrats!
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