Kindergarten 2 – Cain’s Not Able Storyline Guide

Storyline guide for “Cain’s Not Able” – both Felix and Ted’s routes.

Other Kindergarten 2 Guides:


This story has two methods of completion – a route where you side with Felix and a route where you side with Ted. I’ll outline them both. You will need the PRESTIGIOUS PIN and the A+ REPORT CARD to complete this storyline.

School Yard (BOTH ROUTES)

  • Talk to Felix, show him the pin badge to prove your status. He’ll give you a letter for Ozzy.
  • Talk to Monty and buy some hand sanitiser for $2.00.
  • Now talk to Ozzy, use the hand sanitiser to keep him happy and he’ll confess that he can’t read.
  • Take Ozzy to talk to Monty, who can read. Monty wants $6.00. As you only have $3.00 currently, tell him you can get the money.
  • Talk to Felix and ask to borrow money.
  • Give the money to Monty and he’ll decode the note.
  • Use your A+ REPORT CARD to go to the smart class.

Now continue reading if you want to follow Felix’s route, or scroll down to see Ted’s route. Both reward you with different collectables but the same key item, so it’s worth finishing both routes.

Kindergarten 2 - Cain's Not Able Storyline Guide

Morning Time (FELIX’S ROUTE)

  • Talk to Felix and he will explain his plan to kill Ted.
  • Take the assessment on the computer and take the toilet roll as your prize.
  • As if you may leave the classroom and enter the girls’ bathroom.
  • Clog one of the toilets and tell Bob about it. He’ll move away from his ladder and you can use it to access the vent.
  • Pick up the jar of spiders – the bell will then ring.


  • Talk to Felix and show him the jar of spiders.
  • Escort Felix to Nugget and Nugget will tell you he needs a new arm and a shovel.
  • Talk to Carla to get the key to the janitors’ closet.
  • Take the shovel. The bell will ring and Bob will usher you outside.


  • Talk to Felix and show him the shovel. He will then tell you that you need a passbook.
  • Go up the alleyway to the dumpster, bang on the dumpster and trade Agnes the dumpster hag your burger for a passbook.
  • Talk to Felix again, then follow Monty inside.
  • Monty is onto you, but shoots Stevie instead. Pick up Stevie’s dismembered arm.

Kindergarten 2 - Cain's Not Able Storyline Guide


  • Talk to Felix, who will take you over to Ted. Ted leaves to go stand in the playground.
  • Talk to Nugget, give him the arm and the shovel.


  • We can deviate from the story here to get a Monstermon card. Help Jerome snatch the ball from Carla and he will give you the [DAB HERO] Monstermon card. Then restart the day from gym to continue the storyline.

  • Help Carla snatch the ball from Jerome, hitting Ms. Applegate in the face, causing her to chase Jerome outside.
  • Talk to Felix, then go to the downstairs classroom. Take the stick from Jerome’s body. You will also unlock the [ATHLETIC TANK TOP] outfit if you haven’t already. There is also a [PURPLE PLUSH] Monstermon card in the toy box.
  • Go through the cafeteria into the playground.
  • Give Felix the stick, then dump the spiders into the hole onto Ted. You will unlock the [UNCONFIDENT RED SHIRT] outfit.

For completing Felix’s route, you will unlock the key item [FELIX’S STRANGE CHEMICAL] and the [TREASURE CHEST] Monstermon card. Now restart the day from Morning Time if you wish to also complete Ted’s route. (You must pause the game just after getting the Monstermon card if you want to do this.)

Kindergarten 2 - Cain's Not Able Storyline Guide

Morning Time (TED’S ROUTE)

  • Talk to Felix and he will explain his plan to kill Ted.
  • Take the assessment on the computer and take the spray bottle as your prize.
  • Ask if you may leave the bathroom and go downstairs to the other classroom.
  • Tell Ted what’s going on. He’ll get angry and seek revenge. He’ll send you to get a jar of spiders, so go into the boys’ bathroom, spray the spiders with the spray bottle and fill your jar.
  • Go back to the science class and eat an apple to skip ahead.


  • Talk to Felix and show him the jar of spiders. This time Ted will have some very amusing and sarcastic responses.
  • Escort Felix to Nugget and Nugget will tell you he needs a new arm and a shovel.
  • Talk to Carla to get the key to the janitors’ closet.
  • Take the shovel. The bell will ring and Bob will usher you outside.

Recess (TED’S ROUTE)

  • Talk to Felix and show him the shovel. He will then tell you that you need a passbook.
  • Go up the alleyway to the dumpster, bang on the dumpster and trade Agnes the dumpster hag your burger for a passbook.
  • Talk to Felix again, then follow Monty inside.
  • Monty is onto you, but shoots Stevie instead. Pick up Stevie’s dismembered arm.

Kindergarten 2 - Cain's Not Able Storyline Guide


  • Talk to Felix, who will take you over to Ted. Ted leaves to go stand in the playground, but stops to talk to Buggs on his way out this time..
  • Talk to Nugget, give him the arm and the shovel.
  • Help Carla snatch the ball from Jerome, hitting Ms. Applegate in the face, causing her to chase Jerome outside.
  • Talk to Felix, then go to the downstairs classroom. Take the stick from Jerome’s body. You will also unlock the [ATHLETIC TANK TOP] outfit if you haven’t already. There is also a [PURPLE PLUSH] Monstermon card in the toy box.
  • Go through the cafeteria into the playground.
  • Give Felix the stick – this time Ted will defend himself as Buggs runs in to throw Felix into the hole instead. Dump the spiders into the hole onto Felix. You will unlock the [PRESSED BLUE SHIRT] outfit.

For completing Ted’s route, you will unlock the key item [FELIX’S STRANGE CHEMICAL] and the [KNIGHT WHO TURNED EVIL] Monstermon card. Now restart the day from Morning Time if you wish to also complete Felix’s route. (You must pause the game just after getting the Monstermon card if you want to do this.)

Kindergarten 2 - Cain's Not Able Storyline Guide

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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