A guide about all things related to fishing in A Short Hike.
Complete Guide to Fishing in A Short Hike
Fishing Basics
Your first fishing rod
To start fishing you need to visit Bill the Hippo, he spends his time fishing off the dock by Meteor Lake. When you first speak to him he’ll give you a fishing rod and teach you how to fish.
Docked in the Northeast of Hawk Island is the Pelican Captain, he’ll offer you coins for the first fish of each kind. Any trade after the first of each type of fish will instead reward you with bait. Once you give the captain at least 3 unique types of fish he will give you his fishing journal, providing a list of all 15 variants of fish you can catch as well as clues to find ones you haven’t. Trading all 15 kinds of fish to the duck captain will reward you with the Golden Rod, increasing your catch rate for rare fish.
Bait is used to speed up the time it takes to catch fish, you’ll get your first set of bait from the camping cat after finding his camping permit and returning it to him. The Pelican captain will also give you bait in exchange for any fish you give him (excluding the first of each variant).
Fish Variants
As well as the regular fish you can also find three other special variants of most fish: Tiny, Big & the rare Albino variant.
Brook Trout
Often seen in deep blue or cold waters.
- Deep Blue Waters
Albino Brook Trout
Often seen in deep blue or cold waters.
- Deep Blue Waters
Spotted Brook Trout
I Usually see ’em in the shady blue waters, but they’re not hard to find.
- Blue Waters
Albino Spotted Brook Trout
I Usually see ’em in the shady blue waters, but they’re not hard to find.
- Blue Waters
White Perch
Known to prefer calm river waters.
- Calm Rivers
Albino White Perch
Known to prefer calm river waters.
- Calm Rivers
Yellow Perch
Usually seen in weedy water in Meteor Lake.
- Meteor Lake
Albino Yellow Perch
Usually seen in weedy water in Meteor Lake.
- Meteor Lake
Rainbow Trout
Usually found in deep blue waters.
- Deep Blue Waters
Actually Rainbow Trout
Usually found in deep blue waters.
- Deep Blue Waters
White Bass
I came down with a cold the last time I went looking for them.
- Frozen Waters
Pink White Bass
I came down with a cold the last time I went looking for them.
- Frozen Waters
Northern Pike
Bill is always catching these. He knows a good spot for them.
- Meteor Lake
Albino Northern Pike
Bill is always catching these. He knows a good spot for them.
- Meteor Lake
These little guys live in little waters.
- Small Ponds with Lilies
Albino Crayfish
These little guys live in little waters.
- Small Ponds with Lilies
Only live in moving waters.
- Calm Rivers
Golden Catfish
Only live in moving waters.
- Calm Rivers
They never settle down and prefer to live within the rushing rapids.
- Rapids/fast moving river water
Albino Burbot
They never settle down and prefer to live within the rushing rapids.
- Rapids/fast moving river water
Pumpkinseed Fish
I’ve only seen them in that little pond with the lilies.
- Pond with Lilies
Pumpkinseed Fish
I’ve only seen them in that little pond with the lilies.
- Pond with Lilies
I almost caught one of these in the little bay on the south end of the island.
- Southern Bay of Sid Beach
Albino Bluegill
I almost caught one of these in the little bay on the south end of the island.
- Southern Bay of Sid Beach
Common Carp
They prefer calm rivers or deep blue reefs.
- Calm Rivers
- Deep Blue Reefs
Albino Common Carp
They prefer calm rivers or deep blue reefs.
- Calm Rivers
- Deep Blue Reefs
I’ve only seen them near the bottom of river waterfalls.
- Foot of River Waterfalls
Albino Salmon
I’ve only seen them near the bottom of river waterfalls.
- Foot of River Waterfalls
Fishing Locations
Meteor Lake
Found by following the trail to the Meteor Lake Lookout.
Any water that is in the middle gradient of blue.
Deep Blue Waters
Any water that is in the darker gradient of blue.
Deep Blue Reefs
Deep Blue waters that come near land.
Calm Rivers
Any slow moving water in a river.
Rapids/fast moving river water
Any fast moving water in a river.
Foot of River Waterfalls
Waterfalls that flow into oceans don’t count.
Pond With Lilies
The small pond with a tree inside of it next to the graveyard.
Small Pond with Lilies
In the Royal Ridge region of northwest Hawk Peak island.
Southern Bay of Sid Beach
Southern bay in the Sid Beach area.
Frozen Lakes
Lakes that are near Hawk Peak.
Fishing Related Quests / Achievements
Camping Permit
Near White Beach Trail you will find an illegal camping spot and a cat desperately looking for something, talking to the cat will reveal that he has lost his camping permit and he claims it has been eaten by a fish. By catching a few fish in Meteor lake you can find the permit in one of the fish. Returning his licence rewards you with bait.
The Fish Are Biting Today Achievement
This achievement is obtained by completing the fishing journal and trading all 15 variants of fish with the Pelican Captain. As a reward he will give you the golden fishing rod which attracts rarer fish and is apparently made of gold.
Why does my fishing line always break when I have snagged a fish?