Social: Frequently Asked Question
How Do I View and Access All of My Friends?
Your friends appear as stars grouped into special friend Constellations in Home.

- To find these groups, interact with the star map on the main screen. You can move the map to see more.
- The crown-shaped group is where you keep your preferred contacts.
What do the colors of the different stars mean?
- White (faded): You have not sent this friend Light today
- White (bright): You have sent this friend Light today
- Yellow: This friend has sent you Light today (you should send some back!)
What do the shapes of the different stars mean?
- The bigger and more complex the star (more stars), the higher level friend you are.
What do the different things on top of a star mean?
- Rotating circle: This friend is online now.
- Floating stars: This friend has left you Light! Tap on it to collect.
- Floating heart: This friend has left you a Heart! Tap on your friend and then again on the Heart gift icon in the friend menu to receive this precious gift.
How Do I Invite Friends to Play with Me?
You can add a contact to your group without finding them in the game. Create a QR code to send to them. They can use the code to join. Here are two ways to do that.
Local QR Code Scan (Invite):
- Tap the cog in the top right corner of your screen.
- Tap the Invite icon that looks like a QR Code. (This icon is also present in the Favorites section of your Friendship Constellation.)
- A dialogue opens that allows the user to Create or Scan Friend Invite. Add the desired name of the invitee here and click Create.
- The QR Code invite has been created.
Local QR Code Scan (Accept):
- Tap the cog in the top right corner of your screen.
- Tap the Invite icon that looks like a QR Code. (This icon is also present in the Favorites section of your Friendship Constellation.)
- Tap Scan Friend Invite. (Tap Ask Permission and grant the device camera permissions if needed)
- Use the camera to scan the QR code from the device of a user who has created a QR code invite.
- Click Accept.
- The users are now friends.
Offline QR Code (Invite):
- Tap the cog in the top right corner of your screen.
- Tap the Invite icon that looks like a QR Code. (This icon is also present in the Favorites section of your Friendship Constellation.)
- A dialogue opens that allows the user to Create or Scan Friend Invite. Add the desired name of the invitee here and click Create.
- Click Share to invoke the native iOS share options. Select one (i.e. email) and send the invite.
Offline QR Code (Accept):
- Go to the invitation and save the QR Code to your photo library.
- Launch Sky.
- Tap the cog in the top right corner of your screen.
- Tap the Invite icon that looks like a QR Code. (This icon is also present in the Favorites section of your Friendship Constellation.)
- Tap Scan Friend Invite.
- Tap Import. (Give device OS necessary permissions.)
- Select the image saved in Step 1.
- Tap Accept.
- The users are now friends.
How Do I Chat with Other Players?
There are a few different ways you can chat with other player:
Chat Benches
These can be found around the world, and with the use of a single Candle allows you and one other player to chat freely with one another while you are both sitting on the bench.
These can be placed into the world by players, allowing for up to six players to chat simultaneously while seated.
Friendship Level Reward
Perhaps the most common way to chat with other players is unlocking the chat feature with them. You do this by giving them Candles to increase your friendship level with them. Once you have reached a certain level of friendship, you will be able to chat with them any time you are together.
Why Do I Only See Dots when Other Players Chat?
If you only see dots when another player is chatting, it likely means you have not unlocked the chat feature with that player. You or they will have to offer each other Candles to increase your Friendship level with each other, and eventually you can unlock chat.
How Do I Hold another Player’s Hand?
To hold hands with another player, tap on the triangle above their character’s head to open the social menu:
- If you want to lead them, by offering your own hand, select the handholding icon in the menu that appears.
- If you want to hold their hand, allowing them to take the lead, you should tap the icon that appears above their head.
If at any point you want to stop holding hands you can:
- Swipe hard left or right of your character, or
- Tap the handholding button again to break the hold.
How Can I Warp Directly to a Friend?
If you would like to warp directly to a friend, you must:
- Tap the Cog icon in the top-right of the screen.
- Then tap the Portal icon to teleport Home.
- In Home you will find the friend Constellation.
- Tap on the name of the player you wish to warp to.
Tap on the warp to friend icon in the friendship menu, that looks like two characters floating at one another, to warp directly to them.
How Can I Invite My Friend if the Link Does Not Work?
If the contact link fails, use iMessage to send it. If that still fails, have them put the link into a web browser on their device. Then, they can click “Open” to join. This problem sometimes happens with these apps: FaceBook, FaceBook Chat, and WeChat.
How Do I Mute a Player?
If you no longer want to see another player’s chat, follow these steps:
- Tap on the player’s character to select them either in person or in Home.
- In the friendship menu, scroll to find the chat settings.
- Tap on the chat bubble icon to mute or unmute that player’s chat.
Doing this will only prevent you from seeing their chat, but they can continue to see yours. You can undo this setting by repeating the steps above.
How Do I Block a Player?
If you no longer want to interact with another player, follow these steps:
- Tap on the player’s character to select them either in person or in Home.
- In the friendship menu, scroll to find the block option.
- Tap on the block-player icon to block them.
There is currently no way to undo this if you cannot find your friend.
Why Can’t I Find, Interact with, or Send Things to Certain Friends?
If you cannot find, interact with, or send things to certain friends it may be because one of you has blocked the other. It is not uncommon for this to happen accidentally, and there is currently no way to undo this by yourself.