Blasphemous – Roman Numeral Room Guide (Puzzle)

How to Solve Roman Numeral Room

Since getting here is kind of weird i’ll show you the path in order to access this room. You’ll need to go to Desecrated Cistern and go down this left path which you may have already been down and been bouncing up and down trying to get to the platform that you feel the noob idiot the penitent one could grab onto… Anyways, you’ll need the Nail uprooted from Dirt which you get in Redento’s Questline

Blasphemous - Roman Numeral Room Guide (Puzzle)

Once you go through the corridor you’ll notice a lever and two locked gates which you might of already seen. Well you are now on the side with the lever so you can pull that sucka and push on through where you’ll find another Cherubim and on the right side a bone fragment

Blasphemous - Roman Numeral Room Guide (Puzzle)
Blasphemous - Roman Numeral Room Guide (Puzzle)

On the left side you’ll find the Roman Numeral room now if you are like me and have watched Rick and Morty and have an IQ of 200 you’ll know the Roman Numerals are numbers and you’ll know what they represent I = 1 II = 2 III = 3 IV = 4 V = 5 etc… So, you’ll now need to speak with the ghosts and you’ll get a hint as to what to do here…

You will need to speak to the ghosts for you to be able to do the puzzle so equip the Shroud. 

Blasphemous - Roman Numeral Room Guide (Puzzle)
Blasphemous - Roman Numeral Room Guide (Puzzle)
Blasphemous - Roman Numeral Room Guide (Puzzle)

Right Ghost: Half do not return

Left Ghost: Everyone passes…

Blasphemous - Roman Numeral Room Guide (Puzzle)
Blasphemous - Roman Numeral Room Guide (Puzzle)

I made the solution a video as it was just easier to demonstrate but, if you wanna try and figure this one out on your own then don’t watch the video

Alternatively, you can hover over this text for the solution

Just run in and out of the room on the left side a few times and on the right side a few times.

Left Side: IV (4)

Right Side: II (2)

Once you have solved the puzzle you’ll find the Silver Grape which is an awesome bead that raises all your defence stats significantly!

Blasphemous - Roman Numeral Room Guide (Puzzle)
Blasphemous - Roman Numeral Room Guide (Puzzle)
Blasphemous - Roman Numeral Room Guide (Puzzle)

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3758 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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