Blasphemous – 100% Full Map of Cvstodia

This guide contains a full map of the land of Cvstodia in the Blasphemous game.

Full Map

Check out this full map of Cvstodia in Blasphemous! It’s got everything: areas, Bosses, Mea Culpa Shrines, Portals, Keys, and more. Take a look!

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  • Brotherhood of the Silent Sorrow: Features a Confessor Statue, Chapel of Travel, and Mea Culpa Altar. You’ll also bump into the Jailed Ghost here.
  • Holy Line: The first area after the Brotherhood, leading to Albero.
  • Petrous: An ancient place tucked away in an underground cave within the Holy Line.
  • Albero: A village on the outskirts of Cvstodia.
  • Wasteland of the Buried Churches: Follows Albero. You can head towards Where Olive Trees Wither or Mercy Dreams from here.
  • Mercy Dreams: An old prison with cells, chains, and crumbling walls.
  • The Desecrated Cistern: A large sewer accessed via Mercy Dreams.
  • Echoes of Salt: Links the Mountains of the Endless Dusk, Jondo, and the Desecrated Cistern.
  • Mountains of the Endless Dusk: A mountainous region with the Jondo bell.
  • Jondo: Dark and gray, with ladders, lifts, and climbable walls.
  • Grievance Ascends: Source of the Groan, below Jondo.
  • Enclosed Convent
  • Where Olive Trees Wither: Can be reached from Wasteland of the Buried Churches, leading to Graveyard of the Peaks.
  • Graveyard of the Peaks: Cold and mountainous, accessible via Where Olive Trees Wither and Albero.
  • Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage: An abbey atop snowy mountains, accessible via Graveyard of the Peaks.
  • Bridge of the Three Calvaries: Links the Wasteland of the Buried Churches with the Mother of Mothers.
  • The Ferrous Tree: A small, vertical area inside a hollow tree (Stir of Dawn DLC).
  • Patio of the Silent Steps: Deogracias stands here next to the Prie Dieu altar.
  • Knot of the Three Words: Located within the Mother of Mothers, associated with the First Miracle.
  • Mother of Mothers: A grand church accessible only to high-ranking church members.
  • All the Tears of the Sea: A small area added in the Strife & Ruin update.
  • Library of the Negated Words: Accessed via the Mother of Mothers, leading to The Sleeping Canvases.
  • The Sleeping Canvases: Heretical arts and artifacts not meant for the faithful.
  • Archcathedral Rooftops: Offers a stunning view of the cathedral below.
  • Wall of the Holy Prohibitions: The church’s prison.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. Ey there! great map, im using it a lot to find the last few things im missing.

    But im not finding a bone in your map, its the “Clavicle, from Dalhusein the schoolchild”.

  2. For the Crimson Heart of a Miura, when you first enter the door leading to the fourth Visage, immediately hit the left wall

  3. Thanks so much for having the Wounds of Eventide map up so quick, literally next day after release. Kudos

  4. Found two of the three remaining skins:

    One is hdden within the arcade bonus level (not the one unlocked by finishing level with all five gold skulls, this one is hidden behind a secret wall in the second room of the last section, just try to stay the whole room on the lifte platforms and when you reach the end, just jump through the wall, grab the skin from a chest, then finish the level as usual), called “The Adventure”

    The Second is actually unlocked from the main menu, it’s a refference to Konami code, just hit on your keyboard this sequence: “UP,UP,DOWN,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,LEFT,RIGHT” and you got it, the skin is called “Ancient History”

  5. The Ancient History Skin for me works in patch notes menu using the stick from the gamepad.

  6. Ok, something weird came up on my current playthrough, and I think it has something to do with the new update. I was donating my tears of atonement to the church in albero, following the usual donation milestones. So I was grinding for more tears, and after I had dumped exactly 30,000 into the alms box, I was given the cloistered ruby when I left and went back in. I grinded some more, getting 50,000 tears and then donating that, and then the altar became a free confessor statue and no longer accepts donations. I have already unlocked the Alms for Oblivion Skin long before the Wounds of Eventide update, and I think it might unlock after donating 50,000 now on top of becoming a free confessor… I don’t know.

  7. I would like to add that the 30,000 tears that gave me the cloistered ruby occurred long after I had donated 20,000 to unlock the ability to fast travel between Prie Dieu shrines.

  8. The last remaining skin, Relentless Rectitude, is rewarded to you after getting an S+ rating on all Sacred Sorrows (Boss Rush) in True Torment.

  9. Thank you so much for creating this map, it was really helpful for me in order to find each secret of this wonderful game.

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