Night in the Woods – Complete Achievement Guide (Day by Day)

Warning! Spoilers ahead!

All Achievements Playthrough


This guide is for people who want to know the fastest possible way to get all of the achievements in Night in the Woods: Weird Autumn Edition. I highly recommend finishing the game at least once before following a guide like this. If you wish to be spoiled as little as possible while following this guide nonetheless, I have only included information that is relevant for 100% completion. Everything else required in the game is unmissable. However, some information included could be considered spoiler-y, and as such, I have put the spoiler warning at the top of the page just to be safe.

Playthrough 1

Day 1

Get at least a “Not bad” rating when playing Space Dragon on Mae’s bass in her bedroom.

Check the crawlspace boxes at home.

Talk to Mom at home at least three times.

Talk to Selmers sitting outside of her house, then to Mr. Chazokov standing on the porch to the left of Selmers’ house.

Check the statue sitting on the second floor of the middle red building at least three times.

Check the blockade at the top of the church stairs.

Talk to Lori sitting by the soldier statue, then pass by the statue.

Get at least a “Good” rating at band practice.

While at the diner, eat only the pizza crusts that Gregg doesn’t eat.

When inspecting the arm, roll up the sleeve to reveal a tattoo and poke it.

Talk to Dad at least two times when back home.

Day 2

  • Talk to Mom at home.
  • Talk to Selmers.
  • Check the clothes line at the top of the leftmost red building.

Beat Demontower with the good ending.

Here’s a video on how to do so:

Day 3

Check the bookshelf at home.

  • Talk to Mom at home.
  • Talk to Selmers.

Day 4

  • Check the bookshelf at home.
  • Talk to Mom at home.
  • Talk to Selmers.
  • Agree to find stars with Mr. Chazokov on top of Selmers’s house.

Talk to the fisherman inside of the tunnel.

Check the mural inside of the tunnel.

Talk to Mom at church.

Pass by the statue to the right of the church.

Talk to Pastor Kate and Bruce to the right of the statue.

Talk to Lori at the rooftops, left of the church stairs.

Jump up to the highest rooftop to the right of Lori, and check the spot to the left of the cat.

Enter the open window at Roofcat’s building and go to the leftmost room.

Check Mallard.

Feed the rats inside of Mallard. To do this, a few steps are required:

  1. Go into the tunnel and talk to the chef in the restaurant (when this is done once, it does not need to be done ever again).
  2. Steal a pretzel.
  3. Go back to Mallard and check him to give the pretzel to the rats.

  • Get at least a “Good” rating at band practice.
  • Agree to hang out with Gregg at the party barn.

Choose the frog head.

Watch TV with Dad.

Day 5

  • Talk to Mom at home and church.
  • Talk to Lori at the rooftops.
  • Feed the rats inside of Mallard.
  • Talk to Germ to the left of Food Donkey.

Agree to hang out with Gregg at the Snack Falcon.

Watch TV with Dad when back home.

Day 6

  • Talk to Mom at home and church.
  • Agree to hang out with Mr. Chazokov on top of Selmers’s house.
  • Agree to hang out with Lori at the rooftops.
  • Feed the rats inside of Mallard.
  • Agree to hang out with Germ to the left of Food Donkey.
  • Agree to hang out with Gregg.

Win at the knife fight.

Shoot the Forest God in the head.

  • Watch TV with Dad.
  • Get at least a “Not bad” rating when playing Cycles in Mae’s bedroom.

Day 7

Open the safe in the basement, accessible via the crawlspace.

  • Talk to Mom at home and church.
  • Talk to the three teens at the cliff to the right of the church; answer “the shipwreck” when given the option.

  • Check inside of Mallard.
  • Talk to Lori at the soldier statue.
  • Talk to Germ to the left of the Food Donkey.

Day 8

  • Talk to Mom at home until she can’t be talked to anymore.
  • Agree to hang out with Mr. Chazokov on top of Selmers’s house.
  • Talk to Mom at church.
  • Talk to Lori at the rooftops.
  • Talk to Germ to the left of the Food Donkey.
  • Get at least a “Good” rating at band practice.

Check the bear poster on the second floor of the library.

Check the tooth article on the third floor while looking for ghost articles.

Agree to listen to the Poet Club on the first floor of the library.

Get at least a “Not bad” rating when playing Tick Tock in Mae’s bedroom.

Day 9

  • Agree to hang out with Mom at the church.
  • Talk to Jenn to the right of the church.

Agree to hang out with Mr. Salvi in the tunnel.

Talk to Lori at the rooftops.

Talk to Saleem at the rooftops to the far right of Lori.

Talk to Sadie; enter Gregg and Angus’s building, go to the roof, climb to the leftmost building, enter inside, find Sadie.

Check the pentagram to the left of Sadie.

  • Agree to hang out with Germ to the left of the Food Donkey.
  • Spin all four windmills at the rooftops; just jump at them and they’ll spin until they release a letter.

They are at the following locations, all located left of the church stairs:

  1. To the left of Saleem.
  2. To the left of Lori.
  3. To the right of Gregg and Angus’s building.
  4. Clik Clak Diner.

Agree to smash lightbulbs with Gregg, followed by doing his ghost investigation.

Day 10

Sit on the bridge to the right of Mae’s house until Rabies shows up.

  • Agree to hang out with Mr. Chazokov on top of Selmers’s house.
  • Agree to hang out with Lori on the rooftops.
  • Talk to Saleem at the rooftops to the far right of Lori.
  • Talk to Sadie inside of the bird building.
  • Agree to hang out with Gregg.

Choose “Doomnuts” when given the option.

Day 11

  • Talk to Saleem and Sadie inside of the bird building.
  • Agree to hang out with Germ to the left of the Food Donkey.

Agree to hang out with Angus at the Video Outpost “Too”.


Talk to Dad outside of Mae’s house.

  • Agree to hang out with Mr. Chazokov on top of Selmers’s house.
  • Talk to Lori at the rooftops.

Talk to the janitor to the left of the soldier statue.

Go inside of the Food Donkey.

Finish the game.

Playthrough 2

Day 1

  • Get one of the “Bad” ratings at band practice.

Tip: Don’t hit any of the notes correctly.

Poke the cockroach while inspecting the arm.

Day 4

Get one of the “Bad” ratings at band practice.
Agree to hang out with Bea after band practice.

Day 5

Agree to hang out with Bea at the Ol’ Pickaxe.

Day 6

  • Agree to hang out with Bea.
  • Pick the ingredients that result in the best dinner. 

They are:

  1. Cream of chicken soup.
  2. Maq + Cheez.
  3. Kwik Scuits.
  4. Chicken.

Day 8

  • Get one of the “Bad” ratings at band practice.

Day 9

  • Agree to hang out with Bea.
  • Talk to the gravedigger.

Day 10

Agree to hang out with Bea
Talk to the girl towards the back of the party.


  • Finish the game.

Partial Playthroughs

Day 4

  • There are two partial playthroughs. Both of them are for choosing to hang out with Gregg on Day 4. We will choose the last two robot heads for each one. Once that is done, all of the achievements should be unlocked!
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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