Avorion – How to Identify and Sell Asteroids

This guide will explain the process of identifying and selling special asteroids in Avorion.

Beginners Guide to Selling Asteroids


Getting started earning credits in Avorion can be tricky. The entire galaxy is open to you from the beginning and you are free to explore it however you choose. This guide will attempt to explain how to get started earning credits by selling large asteroids.

Why this method?

There are many ways to earn credits in Avorion. This guide will be most useful for players who have just recently begun their journey through the galaxy. You will be able to earn decent (50k-1m+) credits fairly quickly, even in your starting drone ship without any investment. Learning this will also come in handy later when you want to start creating your own mines.

Identification of Special Asteroids


The hardest part about this process is finding the asteroids. They may appear in any sector where normal asteroids are generated. This includes claimed sectors with stations and bases already.

Some of these special asteroids will be generated with a resource (Iron,Titanium,ect). You cannot claim these, however they will contain gross amounts of that particular ore (50-100k+).

Spotting from Ship View

When you first enter a sector, hold the [ctrl] key and use your mouse to look around your ship.

If the sector has asteroids, scan through each cluster of asteroids looking for a particularly large one. They can be difficult to spot at first, but with practice you can pick them out immediately.

Here are some examples from different distances, lighting, and angles.

Spotting from Tactical View

Another method of spotting them is by using your mouse wheel to zoom out until your view changes to an overhead tactical view.

Can you spot the special asteroid in this image?

Overhead Tactical View

In this mode you can visually scan over the entire sector. Pan the camera in this view by moving your mouse to the edge of the screen in the direction you would like to view.

Tip: In the image above, look at the selection image of the special asteroid in the bottom right. Notice it’s geometry is “chunky” or “clustered”.

Tip: When selected, normal asteroids appear close up and zoomed in a bit in the bottom right image. Note that like stations, special asteroids are scaled back and can be viewed entirely inside the selection image. This is a very good indicator that you have found one.

Pan your camera around the sector. Zoom in and out to get a good look at the asteroid fields.

Look for asteroids that are larger than normal, misshapen, large dark spots on the map, asteroids that appear to be really close together. Keep selecting suspected asteroids and examine it’s geometry in the selection window. You should know when you’ve got one (Tip#2).

Below are examples of spotting in tactical view.

Claiming and Selling

Finally, the last step before profit is actually claiming the target asteroid.

Begin by flying closer than 0.2km of the asteroid.

When you are close enough, you should receive a prompt: “Press F to interact”.

  • Note: Some of the special asteroids are too small to be claimed.

Press [F] when prompted to claim the asteroid.

Press [F] after claiming for the option to “Found Mine” or “Sell Asteroid”.

  • Note: A guide on owning mines later. Maybe?

You may have multiple factions who want to purchase the asteroid. This can be useful for raising your reputation with a faction through trade.

Otherwise, sell to the highest bidder.


Once you learn it, this is a quick and easy way to earn credits with no investment. After you have a good amount of credits, you should begin trading goods for increased profit.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3758 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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