Information about different aspects of the game for both new players and veterans.
Tips and Tricks for Avorion’ Players
Game Settings
Prograde and Retrograde markers
Fancy names to say which way you’re going and which way is back. Helpful to tell precisely where you’re traveling and also for boosting backwards to brake instead of using regular deceleration. Useful on heavy ships.
Pause while building
Consider turning this off. Early on and even later, pirate attacks can be dealt with by local faction ships and this just adds salvage for you and as soon as you have ships with captains doing stuff for you it lets you farm up resources while designing your new ship, win-win!
Toggle Hyperspace Engine
This is a control that is not bound by default. It doesn’t always matter, but you may end up in trouble if you jump into a nasty spot and most of your power is going to refilling your hyperspace engine. If you bind this, you can turn off the recharge while you boost away then turn it back on to jump out.
Resource Management
It is actually useful until you’re swimming in avorion as inertia dampeners can only be built out of iron and avorion. Don’t sell too much, it’s not even worth much.
Titanium and Naonite
You can actually sell most if not all of those once you have a good supply of trinium as trinium is better in every way.
Always useful as it is the lightest material and some blocks actually have no other advantages other than raw HP for using higher tier materials.
Pretty good as it is the second lightest material and it has advantages over trinium for things like generators and shield generators.
Pretty bad as it is almost as heavy as iron and while it offers advantages over xanion, it is so close to avorion that you might as well skip it and sell it for money. Its only advantage is that you can make armour out of it.
As the final material, it is quite good. Having any size hyperspace core made out of avorion allows to jump over rifts assuming you have the range.
What upgrades to hoard/farm?
Turret Controls and shield boosters. Hyperspace upgrades are also nice even late game, depending on your patience and play style.
What upgrades to sell?
Xsotan artifacts can be farmed and will provide: energy, cargo, some hyperspace cooldown reduction (and range), some turret slots, etc. A lot of other upgrades are useful but do not need to be farmed beyond getting one or two exotic or legendary ones.
Weapon Tiers
This is my opinion, I’m sure different people have valid reasons to question this so please take this with a grain of salt as it’s just meant to be a quick reference for new players.
Garbage: Cannons and launchers
Too slow to be accurate and/or provide quick kills.
C Tier: Chainguns and lasers
They’re alright, but not outstanding in any way.
B Tier: Plasma cannons and bolters
Bolters are really good before shields and both remain quite decent throughout the game.
A Tier: Tesla, Lightning, and Pulse Cannons
Tesla and lightning are instant hits and generally better than lasers. Pulse cannons’ ability to hit through shields gives them basically the equivalent of 1.5 to 1.8 times the tooltip damage before any other modifier and in some cases let you snipe things off enemies without having to break their shields.
S Tier: Railguns
While they do not look outstanding, their ability to deal damage multiple times when hitting a target’s hull on top of having great range and having no travel time gives railguns extreme potential.
Ship Building / Editing
Scaling and grid size
I recommend using a scaling size that is a multiple (at least 2x) of your grid size. This means you should never use 0.05 scaling until you’re at the detailing stage. This helps a lot in making sure things will line up properly.
Armour is good
Hull has 0.6 times the mass , 0.27 times as much HP, costs 3x as much money and 0.67 times the material cost of armour. What does this mean? That means that if you replace your hull blocks with half the amount of armour, you’re still getting about twice the HP for less mass, less credits, and less materials.
For example, 1x1x1 avorion hull will have 45.56 HP, 36 mass, and cost 5 avorion and 67$. A 1x1x0.5 block of ogonite armour (one tier lower!) will have 55.55 HP, a mass of 37.5, and cost 2.5 ogonite and 8$. Weighs almost the same, it’s cheaper, and it’s tougher! (Numbers based on the wiki, hopefully it is accurate!)
For comparison, a 1x1x1 (mind the dimensions!) block of trinium armour has 50 HP and 35 mass, which makes it better than avorion hull and comparable to ogonite armour in mass but you will need twice the volume for similar (but still worse!) HP .
Random Tips
Managing Range
Tired of chasing enemies? Go the opposite direction instead. They will start chasing you to get back in range and they are just as subject to drifting as you are. This means they can drift back into your range without you having to go 100 to 200 kilometers out in empty space.
What you put into the slots matters. The stats/item type you get can only be part of what you put in with very few exceptions: the tech level and the coaxial trait. Coaxial can appear randomly as you get close to the center of the galaxy and the tech level only depends on location of the research station. This is also based on distance from the center of the gaalxy and it allows to make really potent weapons out of very low tech trash.
Turret Factories
You can turn any turret you own into a blueprint as long as the factory has the required tech level for it. This allows you to copy that awesome turret you got as a drop as many times as you can afford. Blueprinting a turret destroys it though so you have to build at least one copy to be able to use it afterwards.
Stacking Shield Boosters
Higher rarity of shield boosters usually come with “35% emergency recharge when depleted.” This stacks. If you have two, then you regenerate 70% of your shields every five minutes when they run out. If you have 3? Yep, 100%!
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