One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 – Fixing Save Errors

Failed to Save

Failed to save error fix…

  • Important! Right-click on One Piece Pirate Warrios 4 in steam – Manage – Browse Local Files – Right-click on OPPW4.EXE – Properties – Compatibility – Check *Run this program as administrator* and click Apply. Now start your game via steam until you get the *Failed to save* error.

Now you have to go to C:Users (or whatever your Windows drive letter is), there you will certainly find a very strange folder (mine was Ïîëüçîâàòåëü) which will contain *AppData* folder, and if you dig deeper you will find *Local* folder and then, finally – *BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment* folder.

Now all you have to do is to copy that *BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment* folder over to C:UsersYourUsernameAppDataLocal

So in the end you will get something like C:UsersYourUsernameAppdataLocalBANDAI NAMCO Entertainment

Hope that helps.

Not Enough Space

If you get *not enough space to save* issue – you can try to fix this either by freeing some space on a drive where your *Users* folder is located (and Windows as well usually), or Right-Click on your game in steam library – Properties – Local Files – Verify Integrity of Game Files. It should work in most cases.

  • In case everything above fails to solve the issue ( which happens rarely ), you also may try uninstalling the game, then reinstalling it to another drive.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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