Phasmophobia – Guide to Types of Ghosts

This guide will help you to figure out what ghost type it could be.

How to Find Out the Type of Ghost


A spirit is the most common Ghost you will come across however it is still very powerful and dangerous. They are usually discovered at one of their hunting grounds after an unexplained death.

  • Unique Strengths: Nothing
  • Weaknesses: Using Smudge Sticks on a Spirit will stop it attacking for a long period of time.

Note: To test for a spirit, you must go into the ghost room (hopefully the ghost is in there) and smudge it. When it ends, count to 3 minutes and if it hunts after, It’s a Spirit.

  • Evidence
  • Spirit Box
  • Fingerprints
  • Ghost Writing


A Wraith is one of the most dangerous Ghosts you will find. It is also the only known Ghost that has the ability of flight and has sometimes been known to travel through walls.

  • Unique Strengths: Wraiths almost never touch the ground meaning it can’t be tracked by footsteps.
  • Weaknesses: Wraiths have a toxic reaction to Salt

Note: The ghost will randomly teleport on top of you anywhere in the house and send a random EMF 2 even if not in the ghost room. Something to always be careful of is it can start a hunt on top of any player. Go somewhere in the house and set up a crucifix and an EMF meter far from the ghost room. Then sit there. If you get a EMF 2, then its a Wraith.

  • Evidence
  • Fingerprints
  • Freezing Temperatures
  • Spirit Box


A spirit is the most common Ghost you will come across however it is still very powerful and dangerous. They are usually discovered at one of their hunting grounds after an unexplained death.

  • Unique Strengths: Looking at a Phantom will considerably drop your sanity.
  • Weaknesses: Taking a photo of the Phantom will make it temporarily disappear.

Note: It has a very long blink which makes it almost impossible to see. Very easy ghost to find. If you manage to take a picture of it during a ghost event, it will disappear but will keep the event going. It has a chance to wander to a player of its choice and possibly change its favorite room to the room the the player is in.

  • Evidence
  • EMF Level 5
  • Ghost Orb
  • Freezing Temperatures


One of the most famous Ghosts, a Poltergeist, also known as a noisy ghost can manipulate objects around it to spread fear into it’s victims.

  • Unique Strengths: A Poltergeist can throw huge amounts of objects at once.
  • Weaknesses: A Poltergeist is almost ineffective in an empty room

Notes: A Polter loves to throw objects. To test for a Polter, just put a pile of throwable items in the ghost room and see if it will throw them. Also pay attention to when it hunts. It will throw a lot of objects on the floor and around the room. It also has a chance to do a “Super Throw” and will chuck an object across the room. It will also drain your sanity by 2% every time it throws something.

  • Evidence
  • Spirit Box
  • Fingerprints
  • Ghost Orb


A Banshee is a natural hunter and will attack anything. It has been known to stalk it’s prey one at a time until making it’s kill.

  • Unique Strengths: A Banshee will only target one person at a time.
  • Weaknesses: Banshees fear the Crucifix and will be less aggressive when near one.

Notes: A Banshee will pick a player and target them for the whole game. If that player dies, then it will choose a new target. It will only hunt based on the one player’s sanity and will ignore everyone else in the house. If the targeted player is outside the house during a hunt. It will hunt normally. The Banshee has a unique scream in the para mic. The ghost has a chance to follow the targeted player around and might hunt on them.

  • Evidence
  • EMF Level 5
  • Fingerprints
  • Freezing Temperatures.


A Jinn is territorial Ghost that will attack when threatened. It has also been known to be able to travel at significant speed.

  • Unique Strengths: A Jinn will travel at a faster speed if it’s victim is far away.
  • Weaknesses: Turning off the locations power source will prevent the Jinn from using it’s ability

Notes: The Jinn is the only ghost that cannot turn off the breaker either after a hunt, event, or in general. If the breaker is on during a hunt and they see you, it will speed up to catch up with you then will slow back down to normal speed. Also try this with the breaker off (reverse Jinn). The Jinn has a chance to zap your sanity by 25%. If this happens it will create an EMF 2 at the breaker.

  • Evidence
  • Spirit Box
  • Ghost Orb
  • EMF Level 5


A Mare is the source of all nightmares, making it most powerful in the dark.

  • Unique Strengths: A Mare will have an increased chance to attack in the dark.
  • Weaknesses: Turning the lights on around the Mare will lower it’s chance to attack.

Notes: The Mare can hunt you at 60% sanity in the dark and 40% in the light. The Mare can turn off a light immediately after you turn it on. The Mare tends to wander away from the light and possibly change ghost rooms.

  • Evidence
  • Spirit Box
  • Ghost Orb
  • Freezing temperatures


A Revenant is a slow but violent Ghost that will attack indiscriminately. It has been rumoured to travel at a significantly high speed when hunting.

  • Unique Strengths: A Revenant will travel at a significantly faster speed when hunting a victim.
  • Weaknesses: Hiding from the Revenant will cause it to move very slowly.

Notes: A Revenant will be very slow when just wandering around the house and if it sees you, it will speed up very fast. If its smudged, it will slow down back to slow. Overall a very simple yet scary ghost

  • Evidence
  • EMF Level 5
  • Fingerprints
  • Ghost Writing


A Shade is known to be a Shy Ghost. There is evidence that a Shade will stop all paranormal activity if there are multiple people nearby.

  • Unique Strengths: Being shy means the Ghost will be harder to find
  • Weaknesses: The Ghost will not enter hunting mode if there is multiple people nearby.

Notes: The Shade cannot hunt if it is in the same room as you. Most ghost events it does are not fully visible events and ghost ball. If the ghost is very inactive, it might be a shade.

  • Evidence
  • EMF Level 5
  • Ghost Orb
  • Ghost Writing


A Demon is one of the worst Ghosts you can encounter. It has been known to attack without a reason.

  • Unique Strengths: Demons will attack more often then any other Ghost.
  • Weaknesses: Asking a Demon successful questions on the Ouija Board won’t lower the users sanity.

Notes: Warning: very aggressive! Most likely to hunt at 70% Sanity and has a chance to hunt at ANY SANITY. Cannot hunt for 60 seconds if smudged nearby. Crucifix range is 5 meters instead of 3. A Demon can hunt every 20 seconds

  • Evidence
  • Spirit Box
  • Ghost Writing
  • Freezing Temperatures


A Yurei is a Ghost that has returned to the physical world, usually for the purpose of revenge or hatred

  • Unique Strengths: Yurei’s have been known to have a stronger effect on people’s sanity.
  • Weaknesses: Smudging the Yurei’s room will cause it to not wander around the location for a long time.

Notes: The Yurei can drain nearby players’ sanity by 15%. When it does this, it has to fully shut or quickly double touch a door. The ghost will be trapped in its room for a period of time by smudging them.

  • Evidence
  • Ghost Orb
  • Ghost Writing
  • Freezing Temperatures


Oni’s are a cousin to the Demon and possess the extreme strength. There have been rumours that they become more active around their prey.

  • Unique Strengths: Oni’s are more active when people are nearby and have been seen moving objects at great speed.
  • Weaknesses: Being more active will make the Oni easier to find and identify.

Notes: An Oni cannot top the Air ball ghost event. While hunting, it is very visible and will blink very little.

  • Evidence
  • EMF Level 5
  • Spirit Box
  • Ghost Writing


  • Yokai are common ghosts that are attracted to human voices. They can usually be found haunting family homes.

    Strength: Talking near a Yokai will anger it, increasing its chance to attack.
  • Weakness: When hunting, a Yokai can only hear voices close to it.

Notes: (The Dumb Ghost) A Yokai cannot detect voice or equipment as easily as other ghosts. It can only detect it from 2.5m away. It can hunt at 80% sanity if people are talking near it.

  • Evidence: Spirit Box, Ghost Orb, D.O.T.S


  • A Hantu is a rare ghost that thrives in the coldest climates. The cold seems to make them more aggressive and empowered.

    Strength: Lower temperatures allow the Hantu to move at faster speeds.
  • Weakness: Hantus move slower in warmer areas.

Notes: Fastest in cold, Slower in warm. They do not speed up with line of sight. Has forced evidence of Freezing Temperatures. Listen for when it comes out of its ghost room. It will be faster and then get slower. Unpredictable speeds. When hunting with breaker off, the ghosts breath is visible.

  • Evidence: UV, Ghost Orb, Freezing (Forced)


When a Goryo passes through a DOTS projector, using a video camera is the only way to see it

  • Strength: A Goryo will usually only show itself in there are no people nearby
  • Weakness: They are rarely seen far from their place of death

Notes: Forced D.O.T.S. will never change its ghost room. Its D.O.T.S can only be seen with a video camera from outside its ghost room. 

  • Evidence: EMF 5, UV, D.O.T.S (Forced)


A Myling is a very vocal and active ghost. They are rumored to be quiet when hunting their prey

  • Strength: A Myling is known to be quieter when hunting
  • Weakness: Mylings more frequently make paranormal sounds.

Notes: The Quiet Ghost. While it is hunting, you can only hear it up to 12 meters away. When its hunting. Their footsteps and voices will end at the same time as the flashlight stops flickering. Easy to confuse with Raiju. Will talk through Para Mic a lot

  • Evidence: EMF 5, UV, Ghost Writing


The Onryo is often referred to as “The Wrathful Spirit”. It steals souls from dying victims’ bodies to seek revenge. This ghost has been known to fear any form of fire, and will do anything to be far from it

  • Strength: Extinguishing a flame can cause a Onryo to attack
  • Weakness: when threatened, tis ghost will be less likely to hunt

Notes: Hates candles/firelight. Cannot hunt within 4m of a candle. Put lit candles on top of crucifixes and Onryos will refuse to use a crucifix before blowing out the candle. After blowing out 3 candles in a row, they can hunt at any sanity.

  • Evidence: Spirit Box, Ghost Orb, Freezing

The Twins

These ghosts have been reported to mimic each other’s actions. They alternate their attacks to confuse their prey

  • Strength: Either Twin can be angered and initiate an attack on their prey
  • Weakness: The Twins will often interact with the environment at the same time

Notes: will either be slightly slower or faster when hunting. They can do 2 interactions at the same time. I.E. Door touch and object throw. The Twins may hunt from a different room than the ghost room.

  • Evidence:EMF5, Spirit Box, Freezing


A Raiju is a demon that thrives on electrical current. While generally calm, they can become agitated when overwhelmed with power

  • Strength: A Raiju can siphon power from nearby electrical devices, making it move faster
  • Weakness: Raiju are constantly disrupting electronic equipment when attacking making it easier to track

Notes: The Raiju speeds up when around active electronic equipment and will disrupt equipment from farther away. They can hunt at 65% sanity in near active electronic equipment. Will not gradually speed up if near equipment.

  • Evidence: EMF 5, Ghost Orb, D.O.T.S


Obake are terrifying shape-shifters, capable of taking on many forms. They have been seen taking on humanoid shapes to attract their prey

  • Strength: When interacting with the environment, an obake will rarely leave a trace
  • Weakness: Sometimes this ghost will shapeshift, leaving behind unique evidence

Notes: Every time the Obake blinks during hunts, there’s a 6.66% chance it will shapeshift into another ghost model. It has forced UV as evidence. It can leave a 6 fingered UV and 2 finger on a light switch

  • Evidence: EMF 5, UV (Forced), Ghost Orb

The Mimic

The Mimic is an elusive, mysterious, copycat ghost that mirrors traits and behaviors from others, including other ghost types

  • Strength: We’re unsure what this ghost is capable of. Be careful.
  • Weakness: Several reports have noted ghost orb sightings near mimics.

Notes: Will ALWAYS have Ghost Orbs but will not have it as an evidence. It can mimic any ghost ability. Can only mimic 1 ghost per hunt but can be the same in the next hunt. Only ghost with 4 evidence

  • Evidence: Spirit Box, UV, Freezing. (orbs but it does not count)


Moroi have risen from the grave to drain energy from the living. They have been known to place curses on their victims, curable only by antidotes or moving very far away

  • Strength: The weaker their victims, the stronger the Moroi becomes
  • Weakness: Moroi suffer from hyperosmia, weakening them for longer periods

Notes: Lower the sanity, the faster it becomes. If you get a response on Para Mic or Spirit Box, it will curse you and it will double your passive sanity drain. Smudging the ghost during a hunt will blind it for 12 seconds. Will speed up with line of sight. It has a forced evidence of Spirit Box

  • Evidence: Spirit Box (Forced), Ghost Writing, Freezing


Sometimes surrounded by an endless fog, Deogen have been eluding ghost hunters for years.

These ghosts have been reported to find even the most hidden prey, before stalking them into exhaustion

  • Strength: Deogen constantly sense the living. You can run but you can’t hide
  • Weakness: Deogen require a lot of energy to form and will move very slowly when approaching its victim

Notes: Best ghost. Very fast when it is far away. You cannot hide from a Deo. Very slow when close to you. Unique response on Spirit Box.

  • Evidence:Spirit Box (Forced), Ghost Writing, D.O.T.S


Thaye have been known to rapidly age over time, even in the afterlife. From what we’ve learned, they seem to deteriorate faster while within the presence of the living

  • Strength: Upon entering the location, Thaye will become active, defensive and agile
  • Weakness: Thaye will weaken over time, making them weaker, slower and less aggressive

Notes: Only known ghost that ages. It will start young which will make it fast and can hunt at 75% sanity. To age a Thaye, You must be near them for a few minutes. Does not speed up with line of sight. The age can change its age on a Ouija Board

  • Evidence: Ghost Orb, Ghost Writing, D.O.T.S
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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