Omori – Maps for Open World

I got lost in my first five hours of gameplay, so I decide that i’ll do map for every big location…

Open World Maps

Vast Forest

South (From Playground to Basil’s House)

East and Pinwheel Forest (To the Right from Signpost)

West and Train Station (To the Left from Signpost)

Foggy Bridge connects west and east part, meaning that if you walk through the bridge from the west you’ll get to the east part.

Otherworld and Junkyard

Cattail Forest and Sprout Mole Colony

If you walk through the road on the west, you’ll find yourself in the east part of Campsite. It’s quite similar to the Foggy Bridge in Vast Forest. On the other hand, you’ll have Sprout Mole Colony, that have two exits/entrances. I’ve marked it with the numbers. Also there are similar to the Foggy Bridge mehanic. If you go through the west side you’ll get to the east side.

Otherworld Town, Otherworld Campsite and Frozen Lake

I’ve already siad that if you go through west road in the Cattail Field. The same work and in a backward way.

Also, I’ve paste interior of some houses and connected it with entrances with lines.


That’s the most confusing part of this location. Like previously, I connected passageways with lines. I’ve also marked entrances and exits in the north part with numbers. Good luck, I’ll hope that you’ll eventually find out the way you need.

Orange Oasis

Desert (Name subject to Change)

Pyrefly Forest and Sweetheart’s Castle

Pyrefly Forest and Sprout Mole Village

In the forest, behind waterfall in lake with bear, there’s actually a Club Sandwich (all gold doors that requires “password” leads to that club), but I’ve forgot to record moment when I’m going into, so for now you’ll have to believe me.

Also, there’s a secret place in location called Lost Forest. I’ve tried mark the way to it, but I think I actually make it worse.

When you get in Lost Forest, you’ll need to follow the bunny, otherwise you’ll return to entarance

Dungeon and Tunnel

Tunnel actually have exits not only in Dungeon, but and one exit in Sweetheart’s Castle, in courtyard.

Sweetheart’s Castle

Deep Well (Includes Last Resort, Toil Road, Deepest Well and Humphrey)

Last Resort and Toil Road

The most confusing part is an Endless Highway. You can get into this cursed place by walking off the main road in Toil Road part or Last Resort. You can walk in, but you can’t leave it by your feet, you’ll need to take a taxi. Taxi on the left get you to the Toil Road and right taxi takes you to the Last Resort. If you want to get directly from Last Resort to Toil Road or backward way, you’d just need to take Taxi in your location

Deepest Well

I didn’t include map for red puzzle in Molly’s part because it’s literally one room with different textures. You’ll easily find the way with hint of Humphrey if you get lost.

Also There’s Another Map And It’s Look Better!

Click to enlarge…

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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