Omori – All Keys Location

The locations for all the keys and in what order you can obtain them in.

How to Find All Hangman Keys

Section 1 – Prologue

Location – Vast Forest

A – In the grass near a stump.

This one is the easiest, of course. The first one you can find. Follow the red steps near the stump and you’ll find the key.

B – On a shrouded old bridge.

While you are looking for Basil, you’ll come across a large bridge that connects the forest to the train station. On the middle of this bridge (straight) you’ll come across the key.

C – Between giant pinwheels.

In the forest on the right side’s first transition, up in the top right location there is a ladder that heads up to where Kite Kid is. The key is up there next to him.

Location – Otherworld

D – Near a castoff cartridge.

After acquiring the cartridge for Space Boyfriend, you need to enter a bin near the location you acquire it to collect this key.

E – Underneath a wet pillow.

You will get this key during the story. After fighting Capt. Spaceboy look underneath his pillow.

Location – Otherworld Story Instance

F – Within a large frame.

You will get this key during the story while trying to catch up with the sillouhette of Basil.

Section 2 – Three Days Left

Location – Pyrefly Forest

H – In a lost pyre’s flame.

On the right of the waterfall, you need to navigate a very small path to find your way through the spider puzzle and lost wood puzzle to get it.

I – Lying in a dark cell.

While escaping the Dungeon, you’ll eventually find a button that unlocks spikes in front of a cell. In that cell there is the key.

J – Trapped in a pink cage.

While solving everything in the castle to disperse the crowd, you must enter the kitchen. Above the minigame in this room, you can enter the bedroom area. The key is in a cage in this area.

K – In a hall of framed faces.

While solving everything in the castle to disperse the crowd, you must enter the art gallery. The key is inside this room on the top right.

Location – Sprout Mole Town – Stage

L – Far below a big stage.

You will collect this key during the story.

After defeating Sweetheart, jump into the pit on the stage to continue the story. It will be toward the end of the Lost Library that you end up in.

Section 3 – Two Days Left

M – Spending time with a frog.

You will collect this key during the story.

After overcoming your fear of drowning, the key will be inside of the wormhole that Mari leaves when she disappears into the window/curtain.

Location – Casino

N – Near a game of roulette.

This one is simple. Once you enter the casino for the first time, it’s on the left side of the room next to the machines.

O – Amongst other O’s.

Outside of the casino on the left side, there is a haunted pool (underwater??? yes.) Enter the pool to be transported to the ghost party.

You can pick up the ghost quest here too, which you have probably seen things for around the world already.

The key will be in the bottom left of this area, amongst the several other floating O’s.

P – In a water closet.

On the first floor of the casino enter the Men’s toilet on the first floor.

Q – In a small moving room.

You will collect this key during the story.

It is in the elevator going to the boss.

R – At the end of a plank.

After re-acquiring Aubrey, go to the 4th floor and enter the room behind the mustached ghost. Go up as far as you can, using Aubrey’s ability as you go up higher and higher. Eventually, you will climb a ladder to acquire the key.

Location – Highway

S – Within a live shell.

You will see this key during the story. To acquire it, make you way across the highway (through either paying ~7500 clams or going around each section) and it is inside the clam at the end.

Location – Humphrey

Sublocation – Top Tunnel/Marina’s Section

T – In a bubbly tank.

You will have the chance to collect this key during the story through either a challenge or time.

Challenge: Head up in Humphrey to Marina’s section. During the chase sequence with her 667th experiment progress normally and then hit the tank with Aubrey. Afterwards, quickly switch to Omori and collect the key. You do not have to outrun the experiment, as after you collect they key and respawn you will keep it.

Time: At the end of the Humphrey section, he will spit the key out with you.

Sublocation – Right Tunnel

U – Surrounded by Goo.

Found on the water slide to acquire it, take the path going left, twice.

Sublocation – Left Tunnel

V – Caught in a steel trap.

Found on the conveyer belt bomb puzzle.

W – In the gut of a whale.

You will acquire this key during the story. Will be acquired after killing Humphrey.

Location – Dino’s Dig

X – At the end of a map.

Found on the third floor in-front of the wishbone in the bottom right corner of this floor.

Section 4 – One Day Left

You must be on a Hikikomori Route to get these keys! To do this, do not answer the door any day as Sunny.

Location – Otherworld, near the Sno-Cone man

G – Beneath a trap door.

To get this key, you must acquire batteries from Space Boyfriend’s father. Then, take the batteries to the fish in the Igloo.

Y – In a field of winter snow.

After acquiring the G key, go to the top right of the map. The key will be right before you enter the snowglobe area. 

Location – The Abyss

Z – Past the end of the road.

Near the end of the road by Deeper Well, talk to the Hitchhiker to acquire this key.

What Keys Are Required (Spoilers!)?

If you want to know what keys are the only ones required to solve the puzzle to avoid getting any marks on your hangman, here they are:

  • Prologue: A, B, C, E
  • Three days left…: K, L
  • Two days left…: M, O, P, S, T, W


How to Save?

It’s Mari’s picnic basket!

How Long Is This Game?

If you’re rushing through the game without getting lost or not doing side objectives (completely ignoring Orange Oasis), then you should be able to finish a run within 15 hours.

My first run took around 25 hours to achieve the true ending only. I did a lot of exploring, completed side objectives, and spent time tweaking items, skills, weapons, etc.

How to Get Headbutt?

You can acquire it from a side quest, where you need to find Berly’s lost ball in the Vast Forest.

How Many Endings Are There?

Technically, the neutral route has 2 variants, and the good ending includes an optional secret add-on. So, there are 3 endings, but it could be considered 5 due to the variants.

How to Find the Mixtape?

You will see Rosa—a plant mole creature—find it, and you need to follow her. You must walk around a lot. It’s a story progression element, so it’s kind of hard to miss if you just keep exploring the junkyard.

How to Water Plants?

You have to find a plant that looks wilted. I think… if I remember correctly, at least.

How to Get Red Hands?

This is exclusive to the Hikikomori route. It is learned in White Space before venturing into Headspace again during “One Day Left.”

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. How do I get the keys that Humphrey still had in his stomach(The U key and something else I think) and how do I get the key(s) that were in sweethearts castle after you demolish it(If possible) I don’t see this mentioned at all

  2. >Outside of the casino on the left side, there is a haunted pool

    You need to correct that; its on the RIGHT side.

    • G – Beneath a trap door. To get this key, you must acquire batteries from Space Boyfriend’s father. Then, take the batteries to the fish in the Igloo.

  3. Hi, this is my guide! It’s been updated to contain every single key. Feel free to update the guide again.

  4. Multiple keys are missing (like v) and some of these explanations just say “to-do” (like g). I’m really confused, will this still get updated later?

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