Horizon Zero Dawn – How to Finish the Game on Ultra Hard

How to finish the game on Ultra Hard and get that sweet achievement.


Sup, my name is Hardcore and I decided to wrote this guide because other guides are “too slow and srs” (WildPie101 Tribute). If you are reading this guide, I assume you are familiar with game and its mechanics. Game itself is fairly easy, even on hardest difficulties you have your world map, HUD, unlimited saves on campfires + all autosaves and you can use all of your preferred weapons. Only difference is that stuff is more expensive and enemies are “bullet sponges”. Even though, UH mode is easy compared to Hardcore modes on other games, you’ll still need to be properly prepared before you start this mode.


To make your playthrough comfortable, you’ll need to complete few things on your playthrough before creating NG+ loadout for UH.

  • Reach level cap (60) to get max HP and all of the skills.
  • Complete Frozen Wilds DLC, to get best equipment in game for Bluegleam so you won’t need to buy all that expensive Adept stuff (althought 1 extra mod slot is sometimes worth the money).
  • Get Shield-Weaver outfit.
  • Get stealth (2 stealth mods + 1 ranged resist mod) and healing outfit (Melee and Ranged resist). I used stealth outfit for most of the playthrough and I also had one Adept Heavy Nora Survivor for open combat.
  • Start playthrough with 40k+ shards (I started with 25k and it was awful), so you have enough money for resources and healing potions + some equipment. Also keep your Machine Hearts, to get Epic stuff early in game.
  • Upgrade your carry capacity, weapon slots, etc. etc.

Outfits Explained

Stealth Outfit

Healing Outfit

This outfit is a MUST HAVE. People don’t use this outfit frequently because “HeAlTh RegEn is slOw, So iT’s UseLesS Reeeee”. Which is kind of true, but it is best for healing damage you suffer after the fight, so instead of consuming your medkit and/or expensive potions, you just put this on and it will heal you to fullest in less than 1 minute.

Shield-Weaver Outfit

Most of the normies will say something like “ShiEld WeAver iS usElSs on UH, BeCauSe it will only last 2-3 HiTs ReeeEeeee”. WRONG. Shield Weaver is the best armor for final missions when you have to fight some big machines. So, you can hit final boss like 2-3 times before it kills your shield, then hide somewhere to get reffil and hit it few times again. This tactic will help you to save some of your healing stuff.

+Your Open Fight Outfit Of Choice

I’ve been using universal “Nora Survivor Heavy Adept” resist outfit damage. But you should choose outfit with resist you prefer.

Weapons Explained

Even on UH you can equip 4 weapons. So, you should use two bows and two weapons of your choice.

Banuk Strider Bow

Your regular bow, for fire damage against machines like Glinthawks and Deathbringers, you can shoot 3 fire arrows at once really fast. Also good for obliterating enemies like Striders, Watchers, Humans etc. I used two Damage and 1 fire mod.

Banuk Powershot Bow

I’ve used this one mostly. Three loaded arrows at once can do lots of damage, even to biggest machines. Tearblast arrows are good for destroying armor and Harvest ones for tearing of weapons from creatures like Ravagers and Thunderjaws.

Few Tips for Playing

  • Always have all medkits (up to four) + full supply of Health and Full health potions. This can be kinda expensive.
  • Avoid fights with anything bigger than Corruptor, unless it is one of the story bosses.
  • You should already have your golden fast traver pack, but in case you don’t, get one.


For completing game on Ultra Hard NG+ first run you’ll get these two achievements.

  • Ultra Hard Completed
  • New Game+ Completed

Focus Effects and Face Paints

You’ll get all of the accessible face paints and focus effects. If you were playing on lower difficulties like Hard/Very Hard, you’d recieve only few of them. I won’t show them to you, you have to complete the game and see them for yourself.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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