An overview of the culture, its features and units. I cover what I believe to be the best builds: what tomes and traits to pick, and why.
Guide to Reavers Culture
All You Need to Know
Reaver culture basics
- You benefit from MARKING enemies (and can scale a lot from flanking bonuses).
- You benefit from fighting players and free cities (but this means you need to form some alliances or you will be everyone’s enemy early on – this is thankfully easy with War Spoils mechanic).
New resource
- War Spoils – extremely useful as it’s basically another type of “gold”.
- Great for manipulating diplomacy, trading, capturing units and buying cannons.
New units
- Extremely weak early-early game (no tank, no ranged, hard to get Subdue to work, no subdue at the start unless you pick the right society trait).
- Skirmishers are VERY weak without the support unit in play.
You need a powerful fill unit.
Chaos and Materium affinities work great!
- Afflictors from Alchemy tome? -> weak-ish without a frontliner
- Stone Spirit (baby elementals) from Rock tome?
- Tome of the Horde for Houndmasters?
- Tome of Warding for Phantasm Warriors?
- Tome of Beasts for Wildspeaker
Notable traits
- Keen-sighted – Magelocks only shoot ones, you gamble less with this
- Sneaky – You have some options to make enemies flanked so this works well
- “Tactics” traits – later, you get synergy bonuses from Tome of the Construct for standing together if you go with materium
- Hardy and Adaptable – overall solid talents
- Underground adaptation – honestly, digging is super beneficial and gives you huge amounts of materials and loot
Ruler type
- Dragons are always cool since they bring early power;
- Champion gives you more production, which is AMAZING;
- Wizard king doesn’t do much for you to be honest.
A melee hero is great early on; musket hero destroys later (but you can respec…).
Society traits
Chaos route
- Chosen destroyers is very synergistic, but requires very peculiar playstyle
- Ruthless raiders – you will be fighting a lot so why not
- Ritual Cannibals – decent early on to expand your city and build up mana for summons
Materium route
- Mana Channelers – if you go with summon spells (Rock tome early -> Tome of artificing? Terramancy? Chaos eaters?)
- Runesmiths – You will have a bunch of enchantments if you go Materium-heavy so that’s awesome
- Reclaimers – you will get a load of binding essence because you do plunder a lot
Others (to make early game easier)
- Astral: Mana addicts – support!
- Dark: Powerful evokers – you have a support unit at the start!
Scions of Evil – More draft?
Later prospects
- Tome of the dreadnought is amazing!
Check out the video for an in-depth explanation.
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