This error happens when your game sends bad instructions to your graphics card and makes it hang . Here’s how to fix it with two launch options.
Howdy folks! I hope this works for you! It’s been incredibly frustrating, but this FINALLY worked for me (RTX4060)!
This error happens when your game sends bad instructions to your graphics card and makes it hang . Here’s how to fix it with two steam launch options:
How to Use Steam Launch Options
- Right-click on Ark Survival Ascended in your Steam Library and select Properties.
- On the General tab, click on Set Launch Options.
- Enter the launch options:
-norhithread -useallavailablecores
- Click OK and close the Properties window. Launch the game and see if it works.
What Do These Launch Options Do
This launch option turns off render thread, which is a feature that lets the game use multiple CPU cores for graphics.
But this feature can also mess up your graphics card and cause the DXGI error. By turning it off, you can stop the game from sending bad commands to your graphics card and avoid the hang.
This launch option makes the game use all your CPU cores for processing. This can make the game run faster and smoother, especially if you have a lot of cores.
By using this launch option, you can make the game use your CPU better and not slow down your graphics card.
4) Restart Steam and launch the game. The proper save file should be auto downloaded.
5) Check if you can get into the game/map that was corrupted.
5.1) If it works, then you must RE-ENABLE the Steam Cloud sync, see above.
IF IT DOESN’T WORK it gets a bit more involved:
5.2) You will need to do the same process but for the remaining older cloud save files (TheIsland_WP_.ark
Really hope this helps.
Look up how to disable Steam Cloud syncronization (sp? lol) and follow this:
1) Right click game -> properties -> Uncheck enable steam cloud sync -> then exit steam completely.
2) Then go to your saves folder (default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ark Survival Ascended\ShooterGame\Saved\SavedArksLocal)
3) Rename the corrupted save file by adding anything you like (for me TEST or CORRUPT in it would be fine – so you can keep it in case this plan doesn’t work). On mine the file looks like TheIsland_WP.ark (WP just stands for World Partition, the new way the game engine works with the landscape compared to Ark Survival Evolved – if anyone wondered what that stood for :))