A quick fix for ultrawide monitor users. By default, the game is too zoomed-in at wide aspect ratios. This simple tweak will fix it!
The Fix
Naviage to this folder on your computer.
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ARK Survival Ascended\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\Windows\
If you have installed ARK in a different location, please adjust the file path according to where you installed it:
Open Engine.ini in your favorite text editor app. I recommend Notepad++ which you can download for free.
Add this at the bottom:
Save the file and exit! Load up the game!
Please Note: If you have adjusted your FoV in-game, it may be too wide now. Try something like 50 and see how it looks. Your weapon should take up a lot less space on the screen now, and the game should look great!
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