Brotato – How to Use the Shop Properly

Useful Tips for The Shop

Using the Shop

  • The Shop: At the end of each wave is a shopping phase where you can spend the money you have gathered over the duration of the wave.
  • Locking: You can lock items and Weapons in the shop. Locked items stay in the shop forever until you unlock or buy it. Its price is also locked.
  • Free Reroll: Buying all 4 items in the shop grants you a free reroll. This can make it worth it to buy the last item in some cases.
  • Inflation: The Price of Items and Weapons increases by 10% of their base price +1 each wave. The +1 means that cheaper items are hit harder by inflation. If you lock an item between waves, the price is also locked.
  • Item Tiers: The Tiers that appear in the shop depend on the current Wave, and your Luck Stat.

Shop Odds 

  • Odds: The Shop has 35% chance for a slot to be filled with a weapon, and 65% for the slot to be an item.
  • Weapon Odds: Weapons have 20% chance to be the same type as one of the ones you have (Knife, SMG, etc.) and a 15% chance to be chosen from among weapon classes you have (Precise, Gun, etc.). Finally there is a 65% chance for the weapon to be chosen from among all possible weapons. (Includes weapons you have). 
  • Reduced Odds!: Picking up weapons with a different weapon class increases the Pool of weapons that the game chooses from. So if you add a Sniper Gun to your SMG build, when the shop rolls the 15% to show a weapon from your weapon class, that now chooses from all guns + precise weapons, making the odds of it giving you another SMG smaller. Exact math on this can be found in the advanced section, but you don’t need it.
  • Be Mindful of Weapon Mixing: You should always be extra careful with adding weapons that have new Weapon Classes. But also remember that there are plenty of cases where it is fine to mix. Fighting Stick with Sword, lightning Shiv with Thunder Sword. 
  • Item Tags: Characters are tagged for certain types of items. (Like Max HP, Life Steal, Melee Damage). Whenever an item shows up in the show, there is a 5% chance the item is chosen from among an item pool of tagged items, instead of the regular item pool with all items.

The Early Shop

The first few shops are quite critical for a good run. This is for two reasons, firstly you barely have any items or weapons, so each weapon you pick up will drastically increase your power. Secondly the first few shops have increased odds of finding your weapons.

  • Lower Tier items: The early shops have lower Tier items. The first shop only offers tier 1 items, Shop Wave 2-3 offers up to tier 2 items, and Shop Wave 4-7 offers up to tier 3. From the Wave 8 Shop and onwards, all 4 tiers are unlocked.
  • Guaranteed weapon Slots: The First two shops have 2 Guaranteed weapons in them. Then the next 3 shops have 1 Guaranteed weapon. This helps you get the weapons you need early in the game.


  • Buy Weapons, Lock Items: Your first goal is usually to get to 6 weapons. So for the first 2 shops I like to Lock really powerful A or S tier items, and just buy and reroll for weapons. This ensures you get to 6 weapons as fast as possible, making your early game much smoother.
  • Don’t reroll too much. Rerolling more than 1-3 times is too expensive, and you should usually just save the money for the next shop.
  • Having too few items:  We often see newer players post a screenshot of their lost run. They often have very few items for the wave at which they lost. This is typically a symptom of them rerolling way too much. Or them falling behind on damage, being unable to kill enough enemies each wave. Both can ruin your run, so watch out!
  • But Reroll enough. Rerolling is a powerful resource, and the first couple of rerolls of each shop are relatively cheap. So remember to make use of them. If you find yourself often/always having spent your money in the shop before you have to reroll, it might be a sign that you’re picking up items that aren’t that good. Raise your standard for what you’ll buy. See the tier list for some ideas of what I consider good items.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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