Is the Game Stamina Hungry?
I put this here because most people will complain they don’t have enough stamina in the first week of the game. I insist on this point: you have MORE stamina than you need.
There are multiple resource maps that you can farm daily, all of them have 1 time bonus drop, after that you can grind them with low drops. Except the shard farm is one time daily.
Tarot Emblem

- Stamina Cost: 40
Don’t farm this until you can beat the last or second to last map. Can do first clear to get first reward.
Gear Boss

- Stamina Cost: 40
Don’t farm this until you can beat the last map. Can do first clear to get first reward.
Character Shards

- Stamina Cost: 40
Do this daily, you can put less units to funnel the shards into them.
Character EXP

- Stamina Cost: 20
Do the daily bonus so you can raise more than 6 units. Not imperative, can skip the farm until you beat lvl 40+ map.
Character Ascension Stones

- Stamina Cost: 20
The game give you enough to raise 2 units of each color without farming, besides the first clear don’t bother farming this until lvl 45+.
Star Stones

- Stamina Cost: 40
Do the daily bonus. Don’t farm the low drop unless you are that desperate. Star map upgrade requires an absurd amount of stones so you can’t rush it anyway.
Gear Dust and Stones

- Stamina Cost: 30
Grind the hell out of this. Of everything you need this the most. For perspective each lvl 40 low drop gives you 2k dust, and I used 200k dust in 1 minute. Don’t stop until all your gears are +60.
Stamina regen rate is 1 per 4 minutes, or 15 per hour, which is faster than most of the gachas I played. That totalled up to 360 stamina a day, you can also get 120 extra stamina from daily check in, so all in all 480 stamina/day.
From above resource maps you can see that even if you do the daily bonus for all of them it only costs 230 stamina, you have 250 free stamina to do whatever you want, more if you skip the low lvl farm map like I suggested. So if you see someone crying about not having enough stamina, laugh at them.
But … but the campaign stage cost 30 stamina each! Well, that much is true, however once you clear it you can replay it without using any sta. What does that mean, you ask? That means you can pass it with 1 star and then come back later when you are much stronger to 3 star it, without costing you anything, isn’t that nice? Even the challenge mode doesn’t cost any stamina.
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