Brotato – Danger 5 Guide

Guide to Danger 5

Danger Levels

  • There are 6 Danger Levels in the game: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. While newer players will play a bit on the first five danger levels, most Brotato strategy, content, and games have Danger 5 as the default. This guide is written for Danger 5 in mind, but many principles are the same, and anything that works on D5 will also work on lower difficulties. 
  • New enemies spawn during waves with each danger level. This actually means you can gain more materials during the waves from the additional enemies.
  • All enemies gain a +12% Damage and HP on Danger 3, 26% on Danger 4, and finally +40% on Danger 5.
  • On Danger 2+, Wave 11 or 12 will be an Elite or Horde Wave. With Horde Waves having 40% chance and Elite Wave 60%.
  • On Danger 4+, Wave 14 or 15 will be an Elite or Horde Wave
  • On Danger 4+, Wave 17 or 18 will be an Elite Wave.
  • On Danger 5, both Bosses spawn during wave 20. But to compensate they only have 75% HP, except that they also have the +40% HP and Damage bonus from Danger 5.

It is common for people to beat characters on a lower difficulty first for the unlocks, and then embark on the challenge of beating every character on Danger 5.

While Danger 5 is the default for most players, you shouldn’t feel bad about playing on lower difficulties, if it is more fun for you.

How to Clear Danger 5

On most danger 5 runs you will need some sort of healing, and damage reduction to go pass wave 18, 20, and the boss wave. Also most characters will need some damage that can kill most of the enemies up to wave 20 (For money and more importantly experience).

  • My method of healing was mainly life steal + weapons that are fast and hit multiple times.
  • Hp regen is really slow compared to other healing, mostly I just dumped it.
  • On some characters that cannot work well with life steal I mostly healed with luck + hp from consumables + tree combinations.

Here are some examples for how I cleared D5.

Soldier: Run won with lifesteal, attack speed, and piercing. For soldier you can walk while shooting by clicking on your keyboard in quick successions.

Masochist: Picked medical scissors and later on replaced with blades for lifesteal. One of the easy characters.

Engineer: Simple, pick all the turrets you can, especially the medical turrets are very good for healing.

Generalist: Was the hardest character for me.

His ability is most times just a penalty.

You can see on the image that my final stats were not that high compared to other characters on clear. but I did get enough healing from the cactus + slingshot weapons.

Loud: More enemies = more loot. OP slingshot. easy win.

Doctor: Only picked scissors until I had 4normal and 2 blue. -> After that only pick the blades because they are much better then scissors. A blue blade > red scissor

Demon: Use almost all your health in turn 1,2,3 for items before inflation kicks in. Early harvesting, luck, etc will carry you throughout the game.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. I wanted to try with the well rounded in Danger 5 but I feel it’s too weak. Thx for the guide I will try these tips

    • Yeah I think his perks are on the weak side compared to the good characters. But he has no disadvantages in using any type of weapon so he can use every op weapon for a win in d5.

      Almost every high tier weapon that appears later in the shop (grenade launcher, blade, lightning sword etc) are also op but they don’t always appear.

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