AFK Journey – How to Get Hypogean / Celestial Heroes for Free

Guide on Methods to Get Hypogean / Celestial Heroes for Free

By lleuce.

All Hypogean/Celestial heroes each have their own unique mechanics and effects in various aspects of the game. In this guide, I’ll list out all currently available methods to get them or in other words, to acquire stellar crystals which is the main currency for stargaze station.

First of all, lets talk about the more consistent/reliable methods:

  • Guild Weekly Missions – You can gain up to 7000 guild medals /week, considering you’re able to max it out every week for a whole month, it’ll give a total of 28000 guild medals /month. (Which is nearly enough for a copy of Hypogean/Celestial heroes)
  • Guild Store – Since stellar crystals is one of the rare resources which also means it’ll be quite scarce, buying them in guild store can be considered a very cost-effective. So by default you should buy all of them monthly, which equals to 10 stellar crystals /month.
  • Arena Store – Although you can buy stellar crystals in arena store, the maximum quota is affected by how high your arena ranking is. You’re able to buy up to 10 stellar crystals /month at the rank of Legendary 2. As for the weekly quota, you can buy another 3 stellar crystals at the rank of Champion. Considering 4 weeks a month, you can get a minimum of 10 (assuming you reach Legendary 2) and up to 22 stellar crystals /month.
    • Recruitment Store – You can buy 2 stellar crystals with a 50% discount on dolly tickets and another 3 stellar crystals at original price which equals to 5 stellar crystals /month.
    • Weekly Guild Chest – The amount of guild medals given by the chest are very random and actual rates aren’t shown in the game. According to the screenshot provided by group members, 100 guild chest gives around 3400 guild medals. Considering you’re able to get 100 guild chest weekly and gaining roughly the same amount, it should give around 13600 guild medals.
  • Battle Drills – You can get up to 15 keys by reaching Lv.5 Reputation Chest in battle drills and assuming you’re able to get another 5 from random drops, making it a total of 20 keys /round. Considering there will be 6 rounds of battle drills /season, 1.5 rounds /month can be converted to around 30 keys. By spending 30 keys on ‘Thrillseeker’s Treasure’, the expected return based on probability will be ±730 guild medals. In addition, Lv.2 and Lv.4 of Reputation Chest each gives 300 guild medals which makes a total of 600 guild medals. Based on the calculation of 1.5 rounds /month, you can gain ±1630 guild medals.

Up until now, the methods here are able to give 43230 guild medals and 25 ~ 37 stellar crystals /month, which equals to 1 ~ 2 copy of Hypogean/Celestial heroes.

Now, let’s talk about the less consistent/reliable methods:

  • Glory Expedition – Glory Expedition has a ranking ‘event’ that doesn’t have a fixed time schedule as to when does it start/available, but even ranking in the ‘3rd’ category in ranks rewards 10000 guild medals.
  • Time Limited Events – Among all the events that are available, only Astral Fair and Crystal Clash each rewards up to 5 stellar crystals.
  • Fabled Road – The seasonal noble path ‘Fabled Road’ that got released a while ago includes 2 stellar crystals in the free rewards, but the base seasonal noble path only gives Rate Up Invite Letters which makes it less reliable.

Last but not least, we have the One-Timed methods (Which grants up to 6 Hypogean/Celestial heroes and 20 stellar crystals):

  • Abyss Trials – Clearing 150 stages of it will reward a total of 20 stellar crystals.
  • Guild Challenges – Completing all the one-timed guild challenges rewards you 30k Guild Medals, which equals to a copy of Hypogean/Celestial heroes.
  • AFK Stages – Fully clearing it will reward you a Glorious Hero chest, which equals to a copy of Hypogean/Celestial heroes.
  • All Heroes Available – Guarantees a random Hypogean/Celestial draw every 4 weeks (Randomly picked between Reinier, Berial, Scarlita and Dionel).

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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