Coreborn: Nations of the Ultracore – General Guide



In Ambros, you can find food in many different forms. In the beginning, you’ll probably have to rely mostly on berries and mushrooms, which grow on bushes and the ground. Enemies also drop food that you can use. By using crafting [C] and later cooking stations, you can combine different resources to create recipes that grant you the “well fed” status effect, which passively heals you over time. Better food provides greater healing.

To consume a food item, go to your inventory, select it, and press [Use] or pull it in one of your Quickslots for easy access.


Over time, items and buildings will degrade and eventually break down. Only the protective effect of a Town can make this less servere. To learn more about Towns, see the corresponding section in the help page.

Aggressive/Non Aggressive Animals

Tormentosia is home to a variety of creatures, some more friendly towards strangers than others. They will react to you in different ways; some actively defend their territory, while other might not mind you at all.

Survival Map And Coreheim

You have access to two locations in Tormentosia – Ambros and Coreheim. You can explore the lands of Ambros and build your town there, while Coreheim servers as an active social hub where you’ll meet other Coreborn ready to join and connect with you. If you want to return to Coreheim, just look for street signs that say “Pipers Whistle”. It’s close to where the giant blue beam extends into the sky, and the portal is just north of the town.


If you are defeated by enemies, natural causes, or plain gravity, you will be brought back to where you first entered Ambros or to a town if you set your respawn point there. All items in your inventory will be dropped on the ground at the location of your death. However, your armor, weapons, tools and items in your quick slots will still be with you.

You will see a bright purple beam in the sky where you originally died. If you head towards the point where it meets the ground, you will find a gravestone that contains the items you dropped. Hurry, though, as the gravestone only remains in that spot for 1 hour.


By pressing [I], you open your inventory. On the right, you will see tool slots for weapons and tools, armor slots, stats, and quick slots. You can drag and drop items into those slots, and consumables like cooked food, bandages, buffing items, or potions into the quick slots at the bottom left. They will then appear on your HUD and can be consumed using the 1-4 keys.

The [Use] button at the bottom right will consume the currently highlighted item, if possible, and [Remove] destroys one of the highlighted items.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 13521 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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