Dungeons 4 – Doom Hill Mission Tips

For those who playing Doom Hill, perhaps these tips will help.

Tips for Doom Hill Mission

  1. Immediately dig a large new replacement Graveyard just above the starting Graveyard. Sell the original graveyard, and bulk-drop all units into it.
  2. Extend the guard room to the right, such that it’s big enough for ~30 units, and has a door directly connected to A) the Dungeon Heart, B) the new Graveyard, and C) “the outside path.” Pick up all units, drop them all into this larger Guard Room.
  3. Dig straight down from your Dungeon Heart, and a little to the left, to uncover the first Charm. Drop it in your Guard Room. Overlapping the Throne and the outer hallway a bit is a good thing. (I also enlarged my Gold and Evil storage rooms down to take over the spaces on either side of this hall; the gold room thus had add’l gold mine tiles.)
  4. Dig a little up from your Guard Room exit, and you’ll uncover the 2nd Charm. Place it in your Graveyard.
  5. Buy more Vampire queens and take out the nearest Lavalumps that are likely trolling you. Their shared healing is crucial in this level.
  6. Quickly dig a path UP from each Dungeon Exit / lava area, AROUND your base entirely, so that both sides now meet outside your Guard Room. Then fill-in/close off your base entirely.
  7. Focus o leveling up Thalya to 6, so she can use Gorgu. DON’T dig out a ton of your dungeon, but do lay traps to slow and injure invaders on both sides as usual.
  8. Then focus on leveling up the Snots ASAP! Get to max level, and drive to that 3rd token ASAP — it’ll stop all the nonsense downstairs.
  9. Then focus on leveling up your Undead tree, leaning heavily into Vampire Queens. Take lots of quick trips up top to claim Evil, as usual. The patrols are trivial. Buildings in the South and West are easy pickings too. The NE corner requires a leveled army.
  10. Clear LavaLumps with a full complement of troops. In most of the areas, you can dig out a land foothold nearby. Follow the Slap-targeting advice above to focus-fire.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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