Hero’s Adventure: Road to Passion – Useful Tips for the First 10 Hours

Useful Tips

In general, though:

  • If you’re part of a sect it may have a trainer (Langya Sword Pavilion does at least)–he gives tons of xp for how strong they are.
  • World map encounters scale and seems to give significantly more experience than enemies in wilderness zones (At my current spot map battles give over 1K xp as the after-fight party bonus while wilderness ones with comparable enemy levels give under 50)
  • The really fast ways to make money are gambling (seems pretty easy if you have extremely high luck but it can still go wrong) and auctioning off Legendary ores and woods (may not be an option at present if you haven’t unlocked the auctions or have an area with the materials) but if you can’t auction yet and don’t want to risk the gambling you can make steady enough money for a lot of expenses by going into the toughest wilderness area you can handle and gathering materials to sell at town–bring fish to keep your stamina up, they’re very cost effective for that. This will also steadily raise your party’s strength and dex.

Region map fights are those sword icons (and skulls for “boss” fights) They seem to give great xp payoff later on, but maybe not at 37.

It sounds like you joined what’s nicknamed “the Old Man Sect”; I’m not sure if he has a trainer or not; he never appeared in my game for some reason.

For levelling up you could try “Snowflower Valley” around Lin’an city if you’ve unlocked it (you need to pay someone in the Lin’an city Inn 10K to find it though). I think it has Epic level resource areas, so it can pay itself off after a few visits if you bring tools and Stamina-restoring fish. There is one very dangerous fight there, though; a lot of wilderness areas have a “boss” vastly stronger than the rest of the map.

The gambling; it’s a real world dice game called “Sic Bo” where they roll three six-sided die and you put money on the total being a high number (11+, the left symbol) or low (the right symbol); you can also bet on a specific number appearing for better payout but I’ve avoided it myself.

You can save scum but it’s not necessarily required; you can actually cheat by using MP to re-roll die, and if the hero has high luck you seem to get better rolls (I believe the game says somewhere that the bonus tops out at 15 luck). If you won’t savescum try to avoid putting all your chips on one roll to avoid potential disasters. There are also some quests that involve cleaning out casino dealers.

If you don’t want to gamble you can make acceptable cash before auctioning by selling resources you gather while you train (and the good Strength increase to your whole party is a great side benefit); if you don’t have Snowflower yet you could try Wild Wolf Valley by Chuxiang or the Horse bandit’s Cave if you’ve found it (talk to people in Inns; they can point you to areas). The blue ores at Wolf Valley can sell for 100+, 40 or so for the green ores. Sell the pelts/fangs the wolves drop if you can find who buys them (Pawn Shops seem to buy just about everything but you get paid less by them, too).

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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