Enshrouded – The Forbidden (Mage) Build

The Forbidden (Mage) Build

If you are looking for a tank mage that one-shots most of the existing level 30 content while face tanking their feeble attempts to hurt it then you’ve come to the wrong place, because this is not that build.

Most mages use the bugged ring of rapacity (1) to fuel their spells, but that only gives a maximum of 40 mana per second, and regeneration is disabled for a whole second whenever you cast a spell, meaning that when continuously casting, you regenerate only for the spell’s charging time, plus the approximately half second it takes to cast the firing animation. This is generally enough for the level 6 eternal ice bolt, but not for the stronger one or eternal fireball, and flame forbid that you take Quick Charge which halves the casting time!

There are also very rare staves that have mana leech, letting you restore some mana upon dealing damage with a spell. Needless to say it’s something that can break your mana income the moment you start missing with your spells, and that is on top of needing to farm chests or lucking out with drops.

Instead, we’ll make use of the skill between Battlemage and Tank called Blood Magic. Starting at battlemage, it takes 23 points to get it, and the way it works is that every time our mana falls below twenty percent, we gain back twenty percent of your mana, but lose one point of life for each mana gained this way. So if we have 250 maximum mana, we will gain 50 mana each time it falls below 50, but lose 50 life.

This is already a big improvement, as healing potions come cheap, don’t require us to mine fossilized bones, and heal far more than mana potions. However, if our health is lower, we are easier to one shot. Additionally the farming requirements start becoming similar to the dreaded twig farmers! So now that we have become as big of a threat to ourselves as well as our free time as we are to the enemy, it’s about time to figure out how to keep ourselves in good shape.

11 points in the healer tree will give us water aura and waters of life. Each heals us for 1 point per intelligence we have, and the pre-requisites will further increase this healing by 30%. Even at a low flame level, and the cheap grilled mushroom we can achieve 18 healing per tick, which far outperforms other healing sources, and doesn’t get stopped like regeneration.

At this point, even with only 7 spirit, and no extra mage gear, we can have 240 maximum mana, meaning we can cast Fireball I and the level 6 eternal ice bolt indefinitely, while wearing fully tanky armor for our level! (2)

Casting low level spells is fine and everything, but true eternal spells cost 82 and 94 mana for the level 17 Eternal ice bolt and fireball respectively, or need 410 or 470 mana respectively to fully sustain using blood magic. How ever are we going to get that much?!

The archmage chest gives us +96 mana, and the pants a further 36. Two bugged(3) Fell Commander’s rings give us 60 mana, and all these combined with 9 spirit are enough to get us to exactly 472 maximum mana, which will guarantee us 94 mana gain per eternal fireball. Of course with weaker gear, such as magician’s chest and pants, (or less than max flame) we’ll need more spirit investment, but there are a few spares we can take.

Now that we can cast spells, we have to shore up our healing. This means going through the entire wizard tree and taking the fire magic route (after all, we are optimizing for eternal fireball, and all other damage types are unnecessary), taking quick charge and counterstrike for the cheap intelligence point in trickster, and going straight to the end of the battlemage for more intelligence. Sadly Exalted at the end of healer is currently bugged to only give 2 intelligence, even with a maximum level flame, so that route is not worth it, although the int behind healing revive is fairly cheap, even though the skill itself does nothing for a solo player.

Note: If you are new to the game, read the guide on how to find gold chests in Enshrouded. They contain very useful loot – epic and legendary equipment!

With maximum flame level, this madness should give us 13 intelligence. As before, a a humble grilled red mushroom boosts it to 15, which, with the 30% healing bonus will heal us for 39 health per tick. With the Sage gloves, which does not require padding, we get an additional 24% healing, putting us over 46 health per tick, almost completely negating our health loss. Any stronger int-boosting food or health regen on our gear, for example from mystic boots, will completely negate the remainder and ensure that we always stay healthy.

So, how is our build? Can we actually steamroll the game?


It has some wrinkles. For one we have low physical armor. Any hit will take about half our life, and not even our souped up water aura will keep us safe. We’ve also sacrificed any tankiness we can normally gain otherwise, and as usual staying around the green scavengers can be a death sentence. Our wanding damage can also be anemic, even with fully upgraded maximum level wands, as we don’t have the 20% wand damage or the 30% chance for double projectiles passive. (4)

However, the moment we gain the high ground, (5) we can rain fiery death down on the scavenging heathens while also destroying any furniture in their vicinity for more salvage! And for me that is all that matters.


  1. Ring of Rapacity, as of the writing of this, gives +20 flat mana regeneration. Additionally, it only reduces mana by a flat 20 instead of 20%
  2. As long as we have about 5 health regeneration in our gear (1 ring of health, adventurer boots, adventurer pants) or 3 or more extra intelligence.
  3. These rings are bugged the other way. They are supposed to give 30% of your max mana, but give only a flat 30.
  4. Please note that this build does not use all shroud root granted skill points, and there is room for adding variety. Just ignore the +poison damage% wizard passives for now, as eternal acid bite already vaporizes everything it touches.
  5. As every build, we have double jump, so we should always have the high ground.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 13834 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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