Enshrouded – Useful Tips for Builds

Enshrouded Builds Overview

I’ve explored the obvious possibilities of builds focused on the themes of each skill tree and have enough experience at max level with all items to state the following. While testing at level 25 versus level 30 opponents, each skill tree may have been evaluated in conjunction with other trees, but the goal was always to adhere to the play style suggested by each tree.


Jump attacks are incredibly useful, allowing you to clear rooms for resources. In combat however, it’s a 50/50. Sometimes you clip onto the top of an enemy and never hit the ground, you get staggered and have to try again. Really fun with a 2H barbarian build though. 3/10 skill tree, useless other than that and double jump is required.


Fun, probably the best for full on melee fighting when used with evasion strike and jump attack. Can easily nuke down enemies but suffers when trying to 3hit combo as staggers are way too prevalent without block cancelling available to 1H weapons. 6/10, if stagger is reworked to be less punishing then it would be a great way to fight.


The easiest way to play melee, 1H sword and board with a steady dps, can weave in a few attacks between enemy staggers to block. Goes well with multiple trees, just a good all round tree to fall back on. 8/10, could be worked around dual wielding in future.


Great for group play, a really small skill tree and needs to be used in conjunction with other trees to get a good play style. Can be used well with warrior or barbarian 5/10, just lacks identity at present and should have more warrior traits for 1h and shield play. Evasion strike comes from this tree, which is amazing for 2H play.


Wands are great, the tree is really small and could do with a few more additions to make wands a more dedicated class, in general though, it’s a great tree to pick up as a melee just to deal with pesky ranged enemies.

Kiting with a wand is great, additional projectile has a lot of flavour and could do with a few more skills to round it out. Allows an easy spec into blink, which is best in slot for dodging 8/10 but needs more skills.


Water aura, do I need to say more? Every build should pick this up as it’s like having a free bandage as well as great group play possibilities 9/10 could have more general healing, the ultimate skill is about dying, which is okay but you never want to use it.


Possibly the best play style in the game for damage and general aoe, the final sets of skills such as chain hit and mass destruction are absolutely incredible for mowing through mobs and proc coefficients on bosses are overtuned right now, can one shot level 30 bosses at the moment.

The radiant aura is slightly undertuned and only works on fell enemies which makes it quite hard to gauge. Staff gameplay is great with eternal and mana leech spells, has ways to maximise spell up time and is a great class theme, 9/10, kind of requires points in trickster, battlemage and healer otherwise you just get ran down by green boys.


So much fun, stunning spells and a punching build is great but I feel like it’s hard to maintain punching as you have to equip a dummy item to do so reliably. I find a boss head to work quite well as a melee slot. 4/10, needs more flavour for a melee tree or maybe setting some clones up/smoke screens would be a really fun way to flesh out the tree. Updraft saves this tree


Having a whole tree set up around explosive arrows that you can barely make, was not fun to test. Black powder is incredibly expensive to produce and arrows in general are a real pain.

Clearing one level 30 camp with a boss, 4 green boys, and every other scavenger there took 150 iron arrows and 20 explosive arrows. In conjunction with the ranger tree this is the most expensive build to run and arrow usage needs a huge rework.

The assassin tree is only good up to the second main skill for crit chance, after that I think it needs to be reworked to a dagger tree – 2/10 maybe have a skill that gives arrows a 10% chance to be explosive, and then a 70% chance to be recoverable after shooting.


Suffers a lot of the same issues that assassin does, eagle eye is great, bee sting is great (although you still take fall damage when falling slowly). Ranger is fun, kiting is fun but the glider does make it a little less intuitive at times.

Arrows need to be recoverable before this can be a fledged play style. 200 iron arrows for one camp, no thanks. Multishot shouldn’t use arrows from your stores, I hated losing 3 arrows without any choice of where I was aiming them at long range. 3/10


Not as useful as I hoped it would be, sounds great to flavour the game but needs to include a skill with chances to summon pet wolves or Vukah to your side during a fight. 1/10, just lacking when thinking about skill point investment


Underrated tree. Double jump, runner, rebound are extremely useful in every part of the game and I would consider these skills to be mandatory if we had access to another 10 skill points in current endgame.

Some aspects aren’t as useful but I would think if a second skill tree section with its own points were made, for general skills rather than combat class skills they could all be on there- 7/10, but a few of these should be on your character by default.

All in all, can’t wait to see what happens next and how many changes come to balance out the skills tree.

Note: Warrior Tree – Utilise this tree even when using a 2H build, as this tree encompasses all melee damage where the barbarian tree only does 2H, so warrior spec also benefits barbarian class up until the final skills.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 13821 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. I’ve seen a couple people say how great wizard and staffs are at max level and the problem is that it’s a completely different experience while leveling.

    Wizard is great when you have all the right gear with ways to get mana and all your skills at max level, but it’s absolutely awful when you are leveling and wands are basically your main option.

  2. I never found 2h weapons strong enough. Their play style is also clunky and since there are so many staggers you really only do 1 swing then jump out and back in. But they don’t do enough damage for that kind of play style to be efficient.

  3. I’m currently level 3 or 4, and I was curious, how do folks advance so quickly in levels?

    Also, I’m making a beeline for double-jump, then the next beeline is water aura for autohealing… and maybe blink.

    It’s weird though as I’m playing Solomode and want to do more melee, and am unsure what ranged to try.

  4. Good write-up and I agree all around with your assessments based on what my partner and I have played. I stubbornly went back to my bow build and it’s remarkable how awful it feels compared to the almost zero upkeep of the other playstyles.

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