This guide contains some tips to dismantle and recraft weapons and artifacts.
Tips to Crafting
You can dismantle and recraft legendaries if their status suck or you want to know what potential stats they can have. Just dismantle them and recraft (once you build the building for crafting of course)
Especially useful early on for that bow and amulet from the temple of Apollo. Both can get stats that are far better than anything else you can find at that point.
Or you can dismantle them and use the legendary part on a different weapon. like i do, i found a perfect pristine weapon, and i just forged the legendary effect into it via modify. its the more valid option for me, unless you like to spent a few hours recrafting those ♥♥♥ things till you have a nice, worthy roll. and dont forget, you have to upgrade them later on, which means even more rolling, cause rng is fun.
Also if you don’t have a particular “charm” from a legendary – craft & dismantle it again. I’m fairly sure that if you dismantle legendaries before having a forge, you won’t get the charm option unlocked. But it’s easily fixable.
You can get the charm even with only the armoury. You don’t need a forge specifically. Same with affix modifications. That can be done with only the armoury.
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