Fortias Saga: Action Adventure – Hero Analysis Guide

Hero Analysis (Not a Tier List)

By KoSJ.

This is not a tier list, but an analysis to effectively use your heroes. Different matchups and compositions can make a hero strong or weak.


He’s technically a dps, but one of the worst in terms of dps among them due to his average base stats. The most important thing about him is the fourth skill Born Leader. Lucius becomes useful when that skill reaches rank 3, aka 2 red stars promotion. At 1 or 5 rainbow stars, Lucius becomes the core character if you want to build a burst comp.

Due to his third skill, Lucius only needs attack as primary stat and HP as secondary stat for his equipment. Other damage boosting stats are fine, but he doesn’t really need them. Defensive stats are not needed, Lucius is a ranged hero so I wouldn’t be too concerned about his squishiness.

  • Arena: Currently meta.


Medicore dps mage at the moment. Her first skill is great, but the area is too narrow to be really useful compared to Zannia, who has higher dps. Her biggest advantage at the moment is that her shards can sometimes be bought at the arena, so maybe you can rank her up quicker over time I guess?

Her fourth skill is pretty good, so you can build attack speed in addition to the standard cooldown, attack, and magic resistance for her equipment.

  • Arena: Currently not meta.


One of the strongest dps at the moment due to her first skill, I’d put her at number one in terms of raw dps actually. The first skill can also crit. Her fourth skill also allows her to deal high damage with basic attacks.

Her equipment should prioritize crit chance, attack speed, cooldown, and attack. Don’t worry too much about cooldown as her basic attack is still awesome. Crit damage is fine, but you may as well use her with Graldur instead.

  • Arena: Currently meta.


Menace in the arena and tower due to his second skill. I think he’s a must have in higher tower levels. Try to get him to 190k HP, or at least as high as possible. Keep in mind that he’s not that strong in campaign and dungeon.

In addition to HP, you can put some attack speed stats for his equipment as well.

  • Arena: Currently meta.


Medicore dps mage at the moment. He uses magic resistance as a damage source instead of attack. Pretty useful in campaign but weak anywhere else I think, I don’t use him much though.

Cooldown and magic resistance for his equipment.

  • Arena: Currently not meta.


The best tank against physical damage, and his utilities are amazing as well. His first skill can stun Eris before she can stun you. His second skill negates the enemies’ stun, and gives you decent shielding. His third skill is superb when pairing up with crit-based dps heroes. He’s also useful in campaigns, but not in dungeons.

Armor all the way for his equipment. Some HP, magic resistance, and cooldown is also good.

  • Arena: Currently meta.


A hybrid between dps and healer, but mediocre at both, I think. Thylia is better than her at healing, and there are other dps heroes that are much stronger. Her third skill is pretty useful though, so I’d say she’s above average. Is good in campaign, her first skill can deal damage as you run.

Cooldown, then HP and magic resistance, then attack speed for equipment.

  • Arena: Currently not meta.


A good dps hero. He’s a menace when pairing up with Graldur, as long as you have the fourth skill unlocked. He’s good in almost all maps, but his biggest weakness is that he’s a melee hero, so he can be bursted down easily in the arena, as the third skill is unreliable. I think he’s a worse version of Kanna, but Elduin by himself is still really good.

Crit, crit damage, attack, attack speed, and cooldown are all good for him, but crit chance is the most important.

  • Arena: Currently meta.


The strongest dps mage at the moment. Her first skill has high damage, low cooldown, and can crit. At 70% cooldown, she will constantly throw that big ball and wreck everything. Also, she’s a mage so she’s good with Thylia, and Reinhard is the only tank that can reliably go against her. She’s strong on every map.

Crit chance, cooldown, attack, magic resistance for her equipment.

  • Arena: Currently meta.


Mediocre dps mage. I heard his skills are bugged at the moment, and he’s a melee mage, so I’d say he’s not strong right now. The only advantage is his first skill can execute enemies below 20% HP, but I think it’s not worth it.

Attack and crit chance for his equipment.

  • Arena: Currently not meta.


A good tank and a decent counter against Eris. She’s a bit worse than Graldur, but more specialized in stunning enemies. Her fourth skill is a counter against Eris as well. Against non-Eris comp, I think Graldur is better than her. She’s not that great in campaign and dungeon.

HP, armor, some magic resist and cooldown, if possible, for her equipment.

  • Arena: Eris counter.


One of the best dps, under the right circumstances. Her first skill can whittle down all enemies’ HP quickly. A melee enemy right in her face is when she’s the most powerful due to her first and fourth skill. She can even quickly burst down Graldur if he’s in her face. Her second skill also makes her a much safer option compared to other dps heroes. However, Eris is VERY good against her and can perpetually stuns her before she can deal damage. In terms of dps, I’d put Zannia and Daena above her though. She’s strong on every map.

Crit chance, attack, attack speed, and critical damage for her equipment.

  • Arena: Currently meta.


Support is OP in this game, so Miriel and Thylia are the 2 most OP heroes right now. Her first skill makes everyone invincible for a few seconds, very useful in high level towers. Keep in mind that her first skill is countered by Thylia first skill, and takes a second to cast, so in tower the enemies may burst her down before she can cast the skill.

Her second skill has stun, so it’s useful against Eris. Her third skill is the most OP skill in the game IMO. Miriel at 3 stars is a must have everywhere. She’s strong on every map.

Cooldown and attack for her equipment.

  • Arena: Currently meta.


The only magic resistance focused tank at the moment, so a useful counter against mages. He can be a great dps with cooldown gears as well. I’d say he’s OP under the right circumstances. His first skill deals HP percentage damage at third throw, so he’s also very strong against boss enemies. His biggest weakness is that he has no crowd controls.

Cooldown and magic equipment for his equipment.

  • Arena: Mage counter.


A good dps mage and a must have in dungeons, pairing up with Eris. Even without any stars, he can deal massive damage against minions, just walk to the middle of them all, wait for him to cast his first skill, and see them pop like balloons. He’s not good in arena and tower however, Zannia deals much higher dps.

Cooldown and attack for his equipment.

  • Arena: Currently not meta.


I love and hate this hero at the same time. Her other 3 skills are pretty much irrelevant, only the first skill matters (which means she’s useful even with no stars). In campaigns and dungeons, pull multiple enemies to her and see the magic happen (pair her up with Gilderion). Try to get her to at least 60% cooldown, and she can perpetually stuns enemies in any map, including the arena (that’s why a lot of us hate her).

She may be countered by stuns, roots, or high dps enemies bursting her down, but high level Eris (lvl 140+ maybe?) with cooldown literally has no true reliable counter at the moment.

Cooldown all the way for Eris, some HP as well if possible.

  • Arena: Currently meta.


Like Miriel, she’s useful everywhere. A very potent healer, and her fourth skill can render melee heroes helpless (keep in mind that mages are good when pairing up with her, but the difference is not significant). Not much to be said, most people put her highest in their tier list.

Cooldown and attack for her equipment.

  • Arena: Currently meta.


The best dps hero in my opinion (Daena probably has higher dps but Kanna has more utilities). Her first and fourth skills deal massive damage, especially against tanks and support. She’s a very good option against non-UR support, too, since they tend to be squishier. She has two main weaknesses, however: her skills cannot crit, and she’s a melee (so she’s vulnerable against Thylia’s root). Nevertheless, her first and fourth skill lets her avoid a lot of damage, too, so cooldown is very useful for Kanna. She’s strong on every map.

Cooldown and attack for her equipment.

  • Arena: Currently meta.


Her second skill makes her a wildcard in the arena. She’s good at pairing up with and going against mages. She may lowkey be a very powerful choice, but I never use her. She’s probably weak against Kanna.

Attack speed for her equipment. Some defenses to keep her alive, too.

  • Arena: Currently meta.


Very useful in campaigns since she lets you move quicker. Her skills reduce allies’ cooldown (aka Eris), so she’s sometimes used in the arena, but I never use her. She’s probably weak against Kanna.

Attack speed for her equipment. Some defenses to keep her alive, too.

  • Arena: Currently meta.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

1 Comment

  1. Hello. Thank you for a nice guide. It’s very helpfull. Are you still playing this game? A lot has changed in the game since August, it would be great if you wrote a guide on them.

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