HELLDIVERS – Fighting Illuminates & General Tips

Ok, i fought Illuminates a thousand times, mostly with randoms and here are the tips for all those players i often see totally ignored. The most basic tips are already summarized in this guide.

Tips and Tricks

Сrеdit gоеs to Dynamiez!

General Tips

  1. Don’t throw reinforcement in the middle of the enemys if a team member died… BUT, if there are no enemys around or they are far away please throw reinforcement right on top of the dead members equipment. If you throw him 1 Km away, he has to run the whole range back to his equip before he can fight again with 100% strength.
  2. Mechs are strong. Sure. But you know what you need the strength for? Because your turning speed is really slow you will trigger every alarm. The whole mission. So your mech has enourmus firepower but you need this mighty firepower mostly because you USE the mech.
  3. If you are leading the civilians, don’t stop. They get one hitted by almost everything, so just go.
  4. What i often experience: If somebody carries an ammo backpack and you use a laser, don’t grab his ammo. You don’t need it because your laser has unlimit ammo. And the guy with the ammo backpack? There will be a reason he carries this backpack. Mostly because he uses a weapon that needs a lot of ammo, and he HASN’T unlimit of it. So you are using a laser? No ammo for you!
  5. Don’t throw a nuke at the end of a mission unless all teammates are already in the shuttle. I can’t count how often i saw somebody throwing the nuke as soon as the shuttle lands, then a light wall spawns and people can’t go to the just landed shuttle and BOOM! Mission failed and credits go to the moron thinking it is cool to throw a senseless nuke at the end of the mission.
  6. If you are down and perhaps even the last player alive and the enemys are heading to you, call reinforcment. Don’t try to get up or shoot your last magazine at the enemy. Just call reinforcment. There is even an achievement for doing this.
  7. If you shoot at your teammate and he is down, you should at least have the decency to help him up.
  8. The trident and the rumbler are infamous for teamkilling. If you took one of those weapons and you killed teammates, take another weapon OR try to learn from your mistakes and learn to aim better. I have seen it a thousand times that somebody is teamkilling like a moron and continous shooting blindly like he doesn’t even care.
  9. If you are joining a game remember that you are a “guest”. If you are air-punching the whole time to run a tiny bit faster and the host asks you to stop it… STOP it! And IF you are constantly running in front air-punching… dont trigger every alarm while screen pulling and you dont see enemys in front. You make a fool out of yourself for beeing “pro” and at the same time triggering every alarm.
  10. Don’t leave the game right after entering the shuttle. (Dont know why people do this, perhaps to join the next game faster…) If you do this, the rest of the team gets one star deducted for “not every member was evacuated”.

Tips for Fighting Illuminates

  1. STFD. Shoot the f…. drones. Don’t fight for hours endless spawning enemys, as long as you don’t shoot the drones as highest priority the fight will never end. And you don’t get additional XP or something for kills.
  2. The static field… what are you using it for when fighting illus? The robots are immune to it. They walk right through it. The snipers? They have no intention to walk at all. They stay behind the static field and shoot at you. The Illusionsists and council members? They can teleport, and they will do exactly that if they get stucked in a static field. And even if they would get stucked… they are rangers too. The drones? Remember 1. STFD! So all your static field is good for is a few melee units you could otherwise shoot with your pistol. And mostly all you slow down to a crawl is: you and your teammates. Hurray
  3. You can shoot the orbs from illusionists and council members. And even from the boss. There are blue and white orbs. The blue ones do minimal damage but confuse you a few seconds. The white orbs are the ones you should definitivly shoot because they do a ton of damage. Escpecially when fighting the boss. If you ignore them, they stay for a time and curve back, a bit homing.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7613 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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