Heretic’s Fork – The Earliest Strategy Guide

Guide that explains how to beat the Heretic’s Fork game.

The Earliest Strategy to Beat the Game

I finally finished it by trying the best weapon cards combinations I could think off. And yeah I didn’t unlock more advanced weapons yet. I was just trying all possible the fastest damage dealing combinations I could notice.

Snipers, Machine Guns, and Running Infantry don’t work. Snipers die all the time, MG does not have range and stopping power, Running Infantry (looks like jumping mutant blobs) does not deal any significant damage.

Flamethrower is too slow and shot range. I didn’t try Mortar garrisons yet.

From the start you don’t have anything more powerful than Great Cleanser, Fallen Crusaders and Sawblade.

I hired the guy “locksmith” that can lock/keep the cards before the next turn. He is the most useful character. He can keep up to 3 cards for the next turn!

8640 enemies killed in total. All levels finished. Still don’t have any advanced weapons: Judgement, Gravitational Push and Potion(Struggle). Where are they? Is it the most common question asked?

Final build that worked well during the last and the hardest 3 levels.

  • Structures: 6/6.
  • Potions/Spells: 5 (set in auto mode).
  • Health: 1465/500 (… shield/hit points … or whatever this means).


  1. Fallen Crusaders (Purple) – teleporting hexagon area damage [Holy Damage] – for enemies at any position.
  2. Great Cleanser (Gold) – rotating radially circle of rockets [Hell fire Damage] – most important weapon, the best defence in the game !!!
  3. Sin Spotter (Gold) – very fast long range projectiles [Holy Damage] – the best offensive weapon in the game with maximum range.
  4. Fallen Crusaders (Blue) – teleporting hexagon area damage [Holy Damage] – for enemies at any position.
  5. Sin Spotter (Blue) – very fast long range projectiles [Holy Damage].
  6. Sawblade (Gold) – the weapon that kills the most powerful enemies [Unholy Damage] – sits there and spins dealing huge damage.

After I unlocked all 6 structures and got all 5 potions and spells, I chose [Holy Damage] update twice, [Tower Damage] update once, [Hellfire Damage] update once.

Maximising Damage is a key, since enemies won’t make it to your tower at all! This plan worked, I finished the last 3 levels without taking any damage myself.

The other key is to have most buildings with the same type of damage but also use 2. Great Cleanser and 6. Sawblade for tower defense. That build up works! You can stack on [Holy Damage] upgrade cards, together with [Damage Increase], [AOE increase] and [Range Increase] cards.

At the last 3 levels it is better to go for maximum upgrade of all cards, since enemies are charging in huge waves, no time to wait for new cards to come.

Upgrade all cards you have in more powerful ones, the game does not wait at this moment.

Great game, just the screen becomes too cluttered with charging enemies at the last 3 levels. Reminds me of Red Alert 2. That is why I bought it. Garrisoned building in he middle and infantry inside fires machine guns. Rockets and so on.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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