Hush Hush – Only Your Love Can Save Them – First Week Walkthrough

This guide follows what I did the first week to get an A+ in all dates.

First Week Guide


So according to Mystic, it’s supposed to be possible to date everyone, get perfect scores on their dates, and buy all his hints. Is that actually possible? Who knows! And as bugs are fixed and the game is balanced this guide might become obsolete, but for know I’m gonna try.

Now, when I say my week was almost perfect, it’s because I couldn’t figure out where to add Bonnibel’s first date. Do it too soon, and I didn’t have enough suave (is it necessary to get a perfect score on her date? no, there’s no achievement for it, but that won’t stop me from trying). Reschedule and it conflicted with Mio’s first date. So for now, I left her on read (according to Mystic, this is supposed to be better than outright rejecting them) and I hope she’ll ask again in week 2. But I did see something about a bug related to that so we’ll see where it goes. Also, there’s apparently a bug with the daily coffee where it’s supposed to be random but isn’t so if your stats differ from mine, that might be why.


There is only one choice that matters here.

Choice 3:

  • Nay. This is all too strange for me…

This will get you the achievement for the fastest game over.

Day 1

I’m going to start off by saying, I have no idea if the choices not during dates matter, but it’s supposed to help according to Mystic, and it can’t hurt to choose the options that give hearts, so anyway here we go.


Beach Event

  • Doesn’t matter.
  • Well, she did look pretty good in that dress. Though I would hazard that bikini looks better on you…
  • Yeah, I’m here for a month. Hoping to see the sights. If you happen to know a local guide… With rainbow hair… And ridiculously toned arms.
  • Doesn’t matter.
  • I’m suddenly imagining a shark somewhere finally getting the chest support she’s always needed.


The cafe (for now) gives 1 Motivation.

Go visit Mystic and get your first hint for free.

Bakery Event

  • Oh, umm… I need cookies. Like… A hundred cookies.
  • Hi. I’m super good at guessing names. Let me guess yours. Is it… Pinecone?
  • Wait! Umm, I’m not normally this forward, but… Could I give you my phone number?


Mall Event

  • No choices matter.


Flip Burgers and raise Motivation.

Day 2


Accept Iro’s date (from Eli).

Cafe gives 1 Tech Savvy.

Mystic’s next hint costs $1.

Beach Event

  • Well, I didn’t… But now, you made it sound pretty great (this will give you +1 in all your stats)…


Town Event

Did you happen to catch the license plate of the bus that hit you?
Yeah, so… Looks like that did the trick.
Umm… Sure!


Beach Event

  • It gives +3 Lucky. Absolutely necessary.


Solar tech and Lucky.

Day 3


Accept Elle’s date (but we’re going to miss it).

Ignore Bonnibel’s date.

Cafe gives 1 Suave.

Mystic’s next hint costs $3.

Park Event: Iro’s 1st Date

Minimum Requirements: 4 Motivation and 1 Buff

  • Doesn’t matter
  • That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day. Let’s do it. (Requires: 2 Motivation)
  • I’ve been working on my Motivation Stat. I can do this all day (must choose all of these but the order doesn’t matter).
  • So, your name is Iro? Is that Canadian of something?
  • Haji may you what now?
    • So Eli. Tell me about Eli.
  • You guys have similar tastes in hairstyles.
    • Can I say something a bit crass? You are fit as hell. You look amazing.
  • Yup. (Flex) (Requires: 1 Buff)
    • Only one choice

Easter Egg appears

  • The burning is good, right? I’m digging the burning (Requires: 4 Motivation (choose all choices again)).
    • So, I’ve got a ridiculous question for you. Permission to ask.
  • Paleo or Keto?
    • May I ask something sensitive?
  • What’s it like having such a large family? Do you get on with your parents? (Reveals secret #1)
    • I’ve got an inappropriate question. May I ask?
  • Do you ever skip leg day? For real. Be honest.
    • Only one choice
    • I’m game. Let’s hit that second wind and finish strong. (Requires: 6 Motivation (I think you get the idea by now)).
    • So what’s your favorite thing to do, other than climbing and running and all that jazz.
  • Sounds amazing
    • So is there any sort of tragic past I should know about you? Any oaths of vengeance you want to share?
  • Good. Better to run toward something, rather than away.
    • So… Run any good marathons lately?
  • Is that good?
    • Only one choice.
    • Yes! I mean… Yes please. Or something. Sorry- dehydrated.


Park Event

  • Toss in $10 for +1 to all stats.


Accept Cassie’s date.

Arcade Event

  • Up up down down left right left right b a…
  • (Don’t look.)
  • I’m here for the month on vacation. I heard this place had beautiful beaches and bartender and… bananas.
  • I’ve got abs. Well- at least one big ab.
  • Choose all choices.
  • I’m afraid that content is age gated. I’ll need a phone number, and confirmation that you’re not a bot.


Suave and Buff

Day 4


Cafe gives 1 Lucky.

Mystic’s next hint costs $5.

Beach Event

  • You should now be able to pass the 8 Lucky check and get $777. Now we can make it through Cassie’s date!


Mall Event: Cassie’s 1st Date

Minimum Requirements: $160, 3 Suave, 4 Buff

  • I ain’t done. What would you suggest I ‘whip’ out? (Requires: 2 Buff)
  • Minsc No.5? Is that why you smell like a grandmother?
  • Babe, I’m just playing. No offense, but you’re pretty hot when you’re pissed.
  • I just got paid. I’ve got cash and time, girl. Give me your three wishes (Requires: $160 but you don’t spend it on the first check).
  • Bring it on (Requires: 5 Buff).
  • Eli’s legit. Hooked me up with your number, actually.
  • Your wish is my command (Requires $160).
  • Real talk- that bra is mega cute on you. Just wanted to say. Let’s roll (Requires: 2 Suave).
  • So… The shoplifting thing (Reveals secret #1)…
  • I just… I think it’s kind of hot. That’s all (Requires: 4 Suave).
  • (Flex) Hmmm? Oh sorry, were you saying something? I was thinking about you naked again (Requires: 3 Buff).
  • Back up. Before I knock every damn tooth out of your mouth (Requires: 7 Buff).
  • Yeah, I can reschedule. You promised to embarrass me. I’m not gonna let you break that promise.

Easter Egg appears


Accept Eli’s date.

Park Event

  • Signal for him to blame himself (Requires: 1 Motivation).


Tech Savvy and Suave

Day 5


Accept Elle’s rescheduled date.

Cafe gives 1 Buff.

Mystic’s next hint costs $10.

Arcade Event

  • Unplug the guy’s game (+$1,000 and +1 Tech Savvy, sweet!).


Accept Mio’s date.

Park Event: Eli’s 1st Date

  • Walking around places is tight!
  • Doesn’t matter.
  • I’ve got my Red Seal in Fumbling. I could do it with one hand tied behind my back.
  • Favorite dish? You couldn’t cook it. You’d have to order it from Zanzibar.
  • Hmmm… Maybe. If you’re good.
  • Doesn’t matter.
  • Choose all choices.
  • I’m actually even more interested now. If that’s possible.
  • You had me at “fashion show”.
  • Kiss him.


Arcade Event: Mio’s 1st Date

Shout out to AxeMan for helping me figure this one out.

Minimum Requirements: 6 Tech Savvy and 4 Suave

  • Threatening me that I’ll be the one “going down” tonight is a critical error. Do what you will- I’ve already won (Requires: 4 Suave).
  • I was just looking for a tourist trap to fall into for a month. Sun, surf, game, flirt.
  • Choose only the first two options.
  • Is this the scene that’s going to get our dialogue censored in Australia?
  • Set my controls to inverted. I play 98 style (Requires: 2 Tech Savvy).
  • Give it your all! Surely you can defeat an alt (Requires: 4 Tech Savvy).
  • Play to win (Requires: 4 Tech Savvy).
  • Activate casual mode. Give her a chance.
  • Don’t worry, the stuff on the bottom always tastes better than on the top.

Easter Egg appears

  • So, may I ask you something kind of ridiculous?
    • If you could be any item in Smashed Bruhs, what would you be?
  • Can I ask you a sensitive question?
    • Can you prove to me you’re a REAL gamer girl? What’s your ping? (Requires: 8 Tech Savvy) (Reveals secret #1).
  • So, can I ask you something maybe a little… inappropriate?
    • What is your deepest, darkest secret?
  • Only one choice
  • I love motion controls. There, I said it. (Requires: 10 Tech Savvy)
  • Jokes on you. I’m into that ♥♥♥♥.
  • Not exactly the most romantic setting for intimacy, but I’m following you.
  • Why in the world would you want risqué pictures of you in an arcade?
  • Heck YES!
  • Touch Mio.
  • Yes…


Suave and Buff

Day 6


Mystic’s next hint costs $25.

Cafe Event

  • +1 to all stats.


Cafe gives 1 Motivation.

Reed Estate Event: Elle’s 1st Date

Minimum Requirements: 13 Suave

  • I leave business at the office. But it would be my pleasure to come in. Miss Reed is expecting me (Requires: 7 Suave).
  • Not sure if choices with Dorian matter.
  • I’m so glad to see you. When I saw Dorian’s hair, I thought he was you for a moment and started flirting with him (Requires: 11 Suave).
  • Well, as I like to say- only precious things are worth protecting (Requires: 15 Suave).
  • Wouldn’t miss it for the world.
  • I don’t even know what “parvenu” means, but it sounds really pretty the way you say it (Requires: 16 Suave).
  • The view is definitely pretty, from where I’m standing.
  • Should… Should I say it out loud? I thought you looked really kind, interesting and pretty. It took all my nerve to say hello…
  • Choose all choices.
  • Isn’t that where you can create and control zombies?

Easter Egg appears

  • Just my opinion- but it sounds like you’ve got it handled. Is your brother overdoing the whole “protect Elle” thing (Reveals secret #1)?
  • You took the words right out of my mouth. So, I’ll take the answer I was hoping for from yours: yes.
  • The pleasure is all mine.


Cafe Event

  • Doesn’t matter.
  • Yeah, go for it. I’d love to chat.
  • Doesn’t matter.
  • Doesn’t matter.
  • Doesn’t matter.
  • Signal: It looks so handsome on you!
  • Signal: No! Sorry, I’m getting tongue tied.
  • Signal: Get him the drink.
  • Signal: Give him your number!
  • Sounds great.

Gives +1 to all stats and the achievement of helping Lotus flirt with Nimh.


Home Event: Quill’s 1st Date

I could A+ this date, but not get the achievement.

Minimum Requirements: 10 Lucky

  • This old thing? I mean, as far as porches go, it’s not bad. But I’d rather have a veranda, if I’m being honest.
  • Alright, let me ask you a question… The porch is on fire. What do you do?
  • Hmm… Not a bad suggestion. But you haven’t proven your porch skills yet, so I can’t trust you. You’d better have that nap inside.
  • Doesn’t matter (Quill date officially starts).
  • Doesn’t matter.

Easter Egg appears

  • Are you sure want to lick yourself clean? I can’t imagine it would be entirely pleasant.
  • Okay… I guess I’ll grab you a housecoat and some slippers?
  • Doesn’t matter.
  • No no, I’m just borrowing it, I guess.
  • Scratch her ear (Reveals secret #1).
  • I was just thinking how lucky it was that it was raining. Otherwise, I might not have met you (Requires: 10 Lucky).
  • There’s a bunch of stuff I’m worried about too. Like… I’m in danger, sometimes.
  • You’re not really a shy kitty, are you? Do you like it when I touch you?
  • Why don’t you take my bed tonight, and I’ll sleep out here? We’ll figure out the rest tomorrow.
  • Doesn’t matter.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2159 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. On Day 12 you suggest Mystic costs 666$ already, but I am fairly certain he goes from 222$ on Day 11 to 444$ on Day 12. Probably just a typo. Still, thank you for the guide 🙂

  2. is wreathed in light bugged? didnt get it after i done everything correctly (got every other achievment besides the ones you listed)

    • I managed to get it after the Qpernikiss only end, so maybe it doesn’t work if you get the summa cum laude end.

  3. Hey i just wanted to add in i am also unable to get the Wreathed in light achievement, ive had 3 different playthroughs and still unable.
    I am also unable to get the like a virgin achievement, it seems like its not possible to get through Elle’s 4th date without getting laid 🙁 Or am i completely wrong on how to get this achievement?

    • the Wreathed in Light achievement is currently bugged. As for Like a Virgin, there are some discussion topics about it if you want to look there that might help you.

  4. is there something special you need to do to get the dorian office event on the final day? it didn’t show up for me

  5. I tried to miss Elle’s date on the 1st week & do Cassie’s 1st date first & ended up getting Elles game over instead

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