This is a full guide on not only how to get all the secrets but also how to get the Summa C*m Laude achievement i had tonnes of fun with this game with my over a year play time on crush crush this was a complete joy happy to help the community.
Summa C*m Laude Achievement Guide
Hey just wanted to say a few more things as stated i love this series and this game. It was amazing to do. This took many many hours of testing and configuring to find out.
Important I do wish to say that there is some comedy you cant sit there for 14 hours straight (yeah seriously) and not go a little cookoo so i hope you get a bit of a kick.
Summa C*m Laude
- You got the Ultimate ending! All secrets found, no Dark Karma, and you tried to save your Rival.
The Guide
Day 1
- Locations – Bakery in afternoon, mall in evening.
- Stats – Suave 2x.
Day 2
- Locations – Town to meet mio in morning, beach in afternoon for +1 to all stats, arcade in evening.
- Stats – Suave 2x.
Day 3
Say no to bon bon on this day as you’ll need the time for mio also make sure to agree to meet cassie but then don’t show up.
- Locations – Go to iro for first date, Go to park in afternoon and throw $10 in for +1 to all stats, go to cafe in the evening and help lotus with nimh for +1 to all stats(middle, middle, bottom, middle).
- First iro date – Ask something crass and do the buff option to get up to 2 buff, Ask a sensitive question and then ask about family for secret 1 (you will have to cut it short tho).
- Stats – Suave + tech.
Day 4
- Locations – Head to beach in morning (nothing happens), Head to elle date 1 (ignore cass), head to mio in the afternoon.
- First elle date – After elle talks about her narcolepsy talk about dorians “protect elle” thing for secret 1 very important do all suave options this will be needed for her final secret (this was horrid took me so long to learn).
- First mio date – Do all tech options then ask a sensitive question and pick the tech option about her ping this will give her 1st secret.
- Stats – buff and lawyer.
Day 5
- Locations – Go to arcade and unplug the guys game in the morning, go to cass date 1 in afternoon, get more coffee to feed addiction, head to beach in the evening.
- First cass date – After seeing eli talk about “the shoplifting thing” that will net you the first secret als pick obvious yellow choices.
- Stats – Luck 2x.
Day 6
- Locations – Head to cafe as its only thing available for +1 to all in morning, grab coffee in afternoon, then head to the hospital, head home cus this day is linier bleh.
- First quill date – Just be nice do bet options she gives first secret.
- Stats – Luck.
Day 7
- Locations – Grab morning coffee, go to beach and have a stroll in the morning, head to the pizzeria in the afternoon, go to downtown and do whev doesn’t matter 3 some funny.
- Stats – Motivation 2x.
Day 8
- Locations – Grab morning coffee, head to the mountain yell cheak and then do buff options for the morning, head to coffee shop for more lotus love life Here just tell her to flirt back then say a double entendre then tell her to kiss cali +2 to all stats, head to arcade hold you liquor.
- Stats – Suave and motivation.
Day 9
- Locations – Go see iro for date 2, afternoon coffee is nice, then head to beach for mio date 2, finally head to cass date 2.
- 2nd iro date – Just pick the obvious options as buff one leads to secret 2 also do buff option after elle cus we get lots of motivation thx to lotus.
- 2nd mio date – Smooch her many times and now lose prod-a-mon say your hungry then ask if she isn’t having fun gaming then say so your a streamer this will give secret 2.
- 2nd cass date – Go with her goofy gaffs then listen to her covo with lil for secret 2 and get A+ like a god
- Stats – Lucky and motivation.
Day 10
- Locations – Grab morning coffee, then head to the park and be cute with the cute one, go to town walk away with the ticket like a boss, head home for quill date 2.
- 2nd quill date – Ask quill what is the most dangerous thing she knows for secret 2 And be Nice protect her from fumi “Did i studder”.
- Stats – Luck and suave.
Day 11
- Locations – Grab the coffee what else ???, head to the mall and say ello-O (eh eh) and take the change, head to the cafe for elle date 2, head to beach for +1 to all epic.
- 2nd elle date – Play nice with dori and take his money, tell elle about strange dream to learn the end of the ritual (this is a surprise tool that will help us later), play nice let her win and she will just tell you that dori is a ♥♥♥♥♥, smoochies for elle.
- Stats – Luck and motivation.
Day 12
- Locations – Head to the hospital then pull an isaac and eat random pills, go home help quill and do luck option, head into town flirt relentlessly with cass till she gives smooches.
- Stats – Tech and lucky.
Day 13
- Location – Grab that tasty liquid from lotus, head to pizza and eat the magical slice for 3 buff, head to park and flirt with pigeons (yeah seriously), go to arcade close your eyes and pray.
- Stats – Tech and lucky.
Day 14
Grab morning brown, head to beach and take a swim, then the park to seduce ruri and help mio win, head to the hospital to steal dead guys money.
- Stats – Luck and motivation.
Day 15
- Locations – Head to the cafe for another instalment of lotus’ love life and pick these ones (Cookie, go for it, laugh AT his dumbass), head back after for that sweet nectar, then the beach to fix mio’s device and go, go to arcade and save mio.
- Stats – Deja vu? Luck and motivation.
Day 16
Turn down iro she will reschedule for tomorrow.
- Locations – Morning brown, head into town and batter with dimiti so he will whisper sweet nothings, then head to mio date 3, go to the hospital call elle sleeping beauty and move on.
- 3rd Mio date – Be nice do obvs options (choes best princess aka peach and make sex joke at her (middle option)), take interest in the anime, say lets bounce, she will spill the beans on secret 3.
- Stats – Luck and motivation again woah ikr.
Day 17
- Locations – Go to the beach and be nice to iro, get coffee, go back to beach and see iro again but for date 3, head to the police station and and join forces with officer step on me eh i mean fumi then use the handcuffs.
- 3rd iro date – Do buff move, smooch the girls (even cass (only once)) just be nice, sing along and then “romance” her brains out.
- Stats – Get lucky again and tech.
Day 18
- Locations – Coffee, then go hang with the cat girl herself, head downtown and look at officer step on me aha i mean fumi ♥♥♥♥, go home and see quil for date 3.
- 3rd quill date – Be nice have great time for the quill fanclub and move on as she will tell you secret 3.
- Stats – Get buff and work fo 5k.
Day 19
- Location – Head to the park and clean the bench smh, head home get the coin from quill and have mad luck, go see cass for a great 3rd date.
- 3rd cass date – Get water that ♥♥♥♥ will lied to me, say no we arent doing that and say shes embarrassing you, be nice and reassure her.
- Stats – Buff and tech.
Day 20
- Locations – Head to the beach and respect the homie, ahem coff chokes eh coffee, go to the mall and donate to charity for all the stats +3, go to the wine place and see elle for date 3.
- 3rd elle date – You kinda got to tank it i did the gossip then orgy options when causing mischief after getting the secret then go all out, ask if shes making an offer than say that things aren’t good with dori are they this will net you secret 3.
- Stats – Motivation and tech.
Day 21
- Locations – Cafe to motivate some ppl, back to the cafe for C-C-CC-C- ahh yeah yk, now the bakery for officer step on me ♥♥♥♥ fumi im sorry uh yeah her donuts, then head back to the bakery again and scratch the ticket.
- Stats – Tech and 5k.
Day 22
- Locations – Go to quill open the box cus the key is inside and pocket 10k cus quill <3, go see elle for date numero 4, time for iro 4 help.
- 4th elle date – Right this ones dodgy so just before segs shes falls asleep investigate the rooms and look at the papers for secret 4.
- 4th iro date – After dealing with chief ♥♥♥♥ face go break up with iro and blame her dad and learn that everything is his fault!
- Stats – Tech and money just in case.
Day 23
- Locations – Go to the park and beat the trap mwhehehe, go to coffee shop to conduct the final exam in lotus’ love life here are the right choices (on the house, name /num, write her number), time for cass 4, head home for mio stream meme on the stalker ♥♥♥ and then tattle on him and then be a good little virgen.
- 4th cass date – Get some free buff, dance with the beautiful lady, listen to the sadge story and learn secret 4, get through the test and impress ♥♥♥ face.
- Stats – Recover from the blow to your wallet by working.
Day 24
- Locations – Lets go to the mall – Lets go to the mall and be nice to peanut shes only a cameo, go back to the mall today and be nice to cass, go to the love hotel and “investigate fumi”.
- Stats – tech and money.
My favourite show is how I met your mother.
Day 25
No my daily reading.
- Locations – Go to beach and swim (side note: if you do downtown you can blow a kiss to iro and shes happy funny oversight), cmon Robin Sparkles “Lets go to the mall today”, Mio time.
- 4th mio date – I got stabbed ♥♥♥♥ uh i mean wait 1 sec so be nice and he will ♥♥♥♥ off lets hope that goes well, just say that you didnt know they were a thing and say do what you gotta do, be good to cass cus shes amazing, assure her your there for her and she will tell you about the ♥♥♥♥ who stabbed you aka secret 4.
- Stats – Tech and lucky.
Day 26
- Locations – Town (what i don’t have a joke for that) be nice to elle 2 and get some points, now to richy rich and his dumbassery go in there give him the L and walk out, go home to quill for date 4.
- 4th quill date – Remove her ears and receive after care to hear the scary story and the 4th secret.
- Stats – Tech and money.
Day 27
- Locations – Go see mio for final date.
- 5th mio date – Just say the gold things and a winner is you, right this is important log in to mio’s pc make the meet happen early then call fumi for backup tell him to freeze and good things will happen flirt with fumi and have a smile then go have a time with mio (i also said got it to the boss idk what that does but i did it).
- Stats – Do a job.
Day 28
- Locations – Time for hell iro date 5.
- 5th iro date – Be nice to the dad and listen to the full story and get the final slippery secret, be nice to iro commit ace attorney and well pray for a miracle wink wink, carry her to safety like a chad.
- Stats – Its all about that money money.
Day 29
- Locations – Go see the adorable elle for her final date.
- 5th elle date – Not the tree noo crys a little im good, be a man and see elle no matter the weather too have a bath, Oh no dori hide I made many incest jokes but nahhh this is nah, inspire her to overcome dori nahh this is too much incest, goodby dorian, say the words and set her free (this was a huge pain).
- Stats – Money money.
- This took me hours of searching eventually a hero came to save me thx you name is in the intro.
- This is also half my live reaction sorry it was getting rough for me here i hadn’t slept and had been at it for 14 hours here.
Day 30
- Locations – Go to cass for date 5 yeah cass.
- 5th cass date – Just be nice chose yellow options ask her about the debt, say ive got a secret and that you need to meet with the boss.
- Stats – At this point idk if it matters do wth.
Final Day
- Locations – Go home to see quill for the start of the end.
- 5th quill date – Ask quill if her friends were looking to save girls getting you the final secret of the game.
Finally go defeat dorian play nice try and save him and claim your rewards.
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