How to get the Secret, Easter Egg, and A+ rating on the July 26th Date.
- Motivation: 50
- Lucky: 37
- 3 – (Stay quiet for a moment longer.)
- 2 – (Sit down opposite Quill.) (Option 3 causes a Game Over)
- 3 – (Pat her head.)
- 3 – (Find something to eat.)
- 3 – (Pull her ears off.) (Requires 37 Luck)
<Easter Egg> - 2 – Where’s the best place to hide?
- 2 – You can tell me. I’m a good Kitty for keeping secrets… (Requires 50 Motivation)
<Secret> - 1 – What happened?
- 2 – Do you remember anything else?
- 1 – There were security cameras looking at you?
Jellicle Performance!
Easter Egg
During the pictured dialogue, it’s on her cute head…

P.S. It’s simple getting the A+ here, while it seems impossible for her 5th date – maybe there’s a hidden requirement for that one?
ONE DAMN OPTION! This entire journey to A+ everything and that’s the last one!
Wait really, you’ve A+’d everything?
and also WOW I can’t believe that “this has been weird” is in fact the key, I knew about the “warm feelings” thing but that other one I just didn’t expect
All you have to do is mention if the previous person gave quill warm feelings, that is actually all you have to do and it’s so easy to miss. Then say this has been the weirdest moth you’ve ever had and let the scene play out and your done, A+.