Idle Huntress – Comprehensive Guide for Charlemagne

Charlemagne Guide for New Players

By Sir Danathan.

So, you recently pulled Charlemagne and now you’re wondering how to use her and how to build her? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

Charlemagne is our first ever Awakened SSR unit that applies a realm on Turn 1. Her realm and the rest of her skills make her an incredible support unit that all players won’t want to miss out on. In this guide, we will be going through; what each of her skills do, what engraves we should put on her, what kind of badges to use on her, and some sample teams you can run her on.


The first skill on our docket is Charlemagne’s realm, Non-Stop Wind. Her realm is very much so the core mechanic for her as a unit. Much like older units in the game such as Honda and Catherine, this skill when used will change the background of the battle and apply continuous effects each turn. Charlemagne’s realm grants a unique effect we haven’t seen in the game yet, Death immunity. When this skill is cast and at the start of each round each ally has a % chance to gain a stack of Death immunity.

At max level this skill gives all allies a 75% chance to cheat death repeatedly. This is extremely powerful for keeping your units alive to continue battling. A similar effect you may be familiar with is the death immunity from Watt!

Charlemagne’s second skill, her ultimate skill, May the wind bless you! Is another powerful supporting skill. When she casts this skill she healers her whole team for a large amount and any additional healing provides a shield to her team. These shields, again, help to keep your units alive as well as synergize with other wind unit mechanics.

The second part of her ultimate skill deals damage based on her number of charge marks and can deal huge damage if the fight goes on long enough. We’ll talk about what charge marks are next and how they synergize with her kit.

Charlemagne’s third skill, her passive, is another core part of her kit. This skill introduces the “Charge Mark” mechanic. These marks do a couple of different things. Firstly she receives one mark at the start of a fight then at the end of each turn. As the fight gets longer and Charlemagne receives more Charge marks, her realm will increasingly give her more death immunities making her incredibly hard to kill. Secondly as she receives more Charge marks, her ultimate skill will start to hit harder and harder. Thirdly, Charge marks increase her final damage reduce and defense making her incredibly tanky!

The final part of Charlemagne’s passive makes Duke and revolutionary units immune to the charm effect from Daji. This makes Charlemagne an excellent counter to Daji!

Charlemagne’s fourth skill is her attribute passive. Just like with other units this just buffs our unit’s stats. Charlemagne’s attribute passive is quite nice giving her additional attack and HP. This helps her heal and live longer. Additionally, both HP and Attack are excellent stats for increasing her might. As a realm setter, maximizing might is incredibly important.

Next up we have Charlemagne’s exclusive equipment skill, Holy Radiance. This is another incredible support ability providing crowd control and healing! When maxed out, anytime a unit uses any skill they will be stunned until the end of the turn and heal your whole team for a percentage of Charlemagne’s maximum health.

This is great for surviving longer and disrupting the enemy team. The stun portion of her exclusive equipment is great for countering units that perform actions at the start of battle or the start of every turn. Some notable units that are countered by Charlemagne’s exclusive equipment are Takeda and Michelangelo.

For Charlemagne’s 5th skill, we have her awakened skill, May this moment last forever. As stated in the skill, this just makes her realm last an additional turn. This is quite excellent as it means there is never a turn where Charlemagne does not have her realm active. This in turn means that the death immunities her realm can apply can stack without any downtime.

For our final skill, we have Charlemagne’s newly released pet ability! As you level up Charlemagne’s pet she will increase the healing your team receives up to 60%. This ability synergizes extremely well with the rest of her hit.

Increased healing for your team means more healing from her ultimate ability and exclusive equipment ability. These healing sources can quickly stack up shields for your team and make them incredibly difficult to kill.


As a support unit and realm user, we want to do 2 different things when thinking about Charlemagne’s badges. Keep her alive, maximize her might, and make her fast. In order to do so we have a few different options for actual badges.

Firstly, the most important badge you want to put on her is a gale badge. Speed is incredibly important on Charlemagne as you want to get her realm up as soon as possible to protect her team. Additionally, if she is the fastest unit on your team, you can use her to counter Daji’s charm effect!

The second badge you put on Charlemagne you have a few options. This badge you want to maximize her survivability. You can choose to use a Physique Badge, an HP badge, or an Unyielding badge. All 3 will help with her survivability.

Not only are the badges you choose important, so are the sub stats you choose to put on her badges. As we learned, speed is very important for Charlemagne. As such, we want to make sure we put a Speed sub stat on both of her badges. Our second sub stat we have a few options. We want to maximize her survivability along with her might with the second one. Due to his you want to choose either a %HP sub stat or a %Tenacity sub stat.

Here are examples of badges you want to aim to use on Charlemagne.


Throughout this guide we’ve talked about wanting to maximize Charlemagne’s survivability along with her might. We want continue this trend when it comes her engraving choices. When it comes engraves we have 2 different options.

  • Option 1: 2x Tree engraves, 2x Flame engraves
  • Option 2: 2x Tree engraves, 2x Fury engraves

With this set up we get the 2 set 35% HP bonus from Tree and the 25% attack bonus from Flame or Fury. The HP bonus helps Charlemagne’s survivability, healing from her exclusive equipment ability, as well as giving her tons of might. The attack bonus both increases her might a ton while helping her heal more with her ultimate skill.

You might be wondering if she’s a support unit and not a dps unit, why aren’t we using 2x Land Engraves? Well, while the 25% defense bonus might be nice, defense isn’t as effective as HP for keeping units alive, nor does it increase her might very much. Because of this opting for the 2-set bonus from Fury or Flame is the optimal choice.

So what stats do we actually want on our engraves? To keep her alive, fast, and maximize might we want to choose the following engrave main stats: %HP & Speed. As a reminder, engravings with the speed main stat are only available from the Hellfire Engrave dungeon. Here are examples of the engraves you want to use on her.

In terms of substats on the engraves look to find these substats to maximize your Charlemagne: %hp, %att, and Tenacity. All three of these stats will help her live longer, heal for more, and maximize her might.

Example Teams

Charlemagne can be an extremely strong part of a wind team making them neigh unkillable. Between the death immunities, and additional shields. She doesn’t always need to be with wind units to be effective though!

She can be run really on any team you want to make more difficult to kill. Here are 4 examples of teams you can try running. As with any unit, experiment on your own to find what works best for you and other great combinations!


Charlemagne is an absolute powerhouse of a support unit! So, let’s finish things off with some of her Pros and cons.


  • She is a Turn 1 awakened SSR realm user.
  • Realm lasts 4 turns so it is always active.
  • Realm has a chance to apply Death Immunity on every turn.
  • Exclusive equipment lv50 heals the team for every enemy action and stuns.
  • Her passive makes her and other certain units charm immune.


  • As a realm user do be careful of other players or units overwriting your realm making your Charlemagne less effective.
  • EE50 is a large investment but highly recommended.
  • Her realm at max level does only have a 75% chance to grant Death Immunity to your units other than Charlemagne.

While Charlemagne does have a few cons the pros of this unit heavily outweigh them. This is a unit everyone will want to get as well as unlock her newly released pet! Hopefully this guide has taught you everything you need to know about how to use your Charlemagne effectively!

Thank you for reading!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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