Idle Huntress – Elemental Archtypes Guide

Quick Guide to Elemental Archtypes

Fire: Synergy

Fire units are built to work with each other. Fire units have examples of every major RPG archetype (DPS, Tank, Support), and each one tends to prefer having other fire units on the team.

Fire Mechanics:

  • Burn
    • The fire ailment, you’ll find this everywhere
    • Burn is a permanent max HP DOT
    • Most fire units talk about Burn, and all of the fire realms care about it
  • Fever
    • The fire buff, you’ll find this on new (Carmen and later) fire units
    • Fever is made to counter Float, but it also cleanses debuffs and some fire units trigger abilities off of Fever

Both Fever and Burn interact well with each other (there are no anti-synergies), and a lot of characters have both.

Water: Niche Technical Abilities

Water units are incredibly diverse and tend to have uses in a wide variety of situations. Water is home to some of the best supports in the game, and while it has some element specific synergies, a lot of water units function with units of other elements as well.

Water Mechanics:

  • Frost/Freeze
    • The water ailment, you’ll find this everywhere
    • Frost does nothing until Freeze is applied at 3 stacks, which stuns for 2 turns
    • Catherine’s realm adds Frost marks and makes Freeze unremovable
  • Rain
    • The water buff, generated through different methods depending on the character
    • Rain serves several of functions:
      • Removes Burn from ALL characters
      • Heals the team
      • Deals true damage to the enemy team

A few characters have abilities that reference both Rain and Frost marks, so water does have its own in-element team, but what is notable is the unique characters that water has to offer. Water has the most buff and debuff removal tools as well as several characters useful for team composition. For example, water units additionally contain these 2 archetypes:

  • Global Supports:
    • Darwin
    • Zhen Ji
    • Medea
  • Counter Units
    • Morgana
    • Nene
    • Daji
    • Niwa

Earth: Power

Earth as an element is oddly anti-synergistic, but makes up for it with raw individualistic power. Earth has the most realm creators as of now, and they are all different. Since only one realm can exist at a time, running multiple can be unhelpful.

Earth Mechanics:

  • Prisons
    • The earth ailment, there are many different types of Prisons, but they all prevent action in some way, breaking free from a Prison is chance based
    • Nero can convert Prisons into Golden Cages, which are more powerful, and manage to bring all the Prison types into one central idea
  • Hate Marks
    • The other earth ailment, Hate Marks reduce tenacity, increasing the likelihood targets receive critical strikes
  • Ice Resist
    • The earth buff, most earth units grant this to themselves and or other earth units.
    • Ice Resist makes it harder to be Frozen, but also grants Final Damage Reduce, which can drastically increase durability.

A lot of earth units have powerful self serving abilities that either provide single target damage, immunity, or some other form of self buff. Earth is also the element with the least number of support type units. Iori and Seth are great examples of self-sufficient earth characters.

Wind: Damage Focus

Wind units have exactly 2 archetypes, dealing damage, and shielding. Wind’s entire arsenal does not tend to provide outside utility, which the exception of some sources of Stun.

Wind Mechanics:

  • Float
    • The wind ailment, instead of a debuff, Float deals true damage and several wind characters trigger follow ups on Floated targets.
  • Charge Marks
    • The wind buff, Charge Marks grant some stacking defenses
    • These are relatively new, so only Charlemange and Mordred reference them, but both scale heavily with Charge Marks, so they provide incredible value

Since wind is a very straightforward element, most wind teams tend to fall off later in the game. Certain characters like Takenaka, Robin, and Charlemange still find their places on teams, but tend to lack the synergies associated with wind teams. Wind is now also home to Fatal Damage Immunity, which still falls under the impetus of shielding damage.

I hope this was helpful to you!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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