Infection Free Zone – Min Maxing Guide (Gaining Resources)

How to min max the game during the day, night and gain resources more efficiently.

Guide to Min Maxing

Basic Guide & Tips

Hey everyone, I have been playing the Alpha and have made a very quick guide to help everyone survive. I only have 10+ hours into the game and I love it! So because of this I plan on updating this as and when new updates are released.


  • Aim for 3 squads early on, 2 squads will be full with pistols and 1 will have 2 pistols and 2 machetes. Can loot faster.


  • When scavenging, don’t loot for metal or brick, scavenge only wood as the first few buildings you will need to adapt only need wood. Until you get some form of production, will you need metal or tools.

Looting priorities

  • Use 1 squad to loot close gun shops and the other 2 to look for food and nearby buildings. Use the squad that only has 2 pistols to loot the gun shops. Once all gun shops CLOSE TO HQ are looted, loot agricultural building and teaching facilities.
  • Note: In this version as it stands, garages and medical facilities offer NOTHING usable. The first aid kits are not usable and the garages are always empty. Search for fuel is your fuel amount is 4.0 or less. This should give you enough of a surplus.

Use time wisely

  • Keep an eye on the time, aim to have all of your squads back at HQ and surrounding buildings an hour before sundown. If you have a vehicle, you can use this at night to keep looting as it can move much faster than the zombies.
  • Note: Every location is different and seasons affect the time of sundown. If you hover over the time, you can see when sundown and sunrise is to min-max your time looting and scavenging.


  • When towers are built, they automatically pick the pistol. If you do not have 2 pistols or 2 automatic weapons, you MUST select the bow and arrow. If you do not, the tower will not attack incoming zombies.


  • Cars are NEEDED to survive. The best car is the pickup, has 4 fuel and 20 storage slots. The 2nd best car is the combi, it has 15 storage slots, 3500 points of damage and holds 3 fuel. The worst car is the Sedan, it has 10 storage slots, 3,000 points of damage and can hold 3 fuel.
  • Note: The Sedan is quicker than all other cars and can be used to move quickly if an emergency arises. Worth having at least 1.


  • Fuel is also needed to run cars. You can use fuel from cars that you have no need for in the wild. If you have a pickup and see a car you don’t control or want like a Sedan, you can take the fuel out of it and put it in your pickup. Easy way to obtain fuel.


  • Guards are useless during the day except to defend against human enemies. Use them to work on other things like scavenging, building, farming or cooking.
  • Note: They can’t repair the tower during the day if there is nobody in the tower. Aim to have the guards in position 30 minutes to an hour before sundown to get ensure they get back.

Individuals in squads

  • Give your 2nd, 3rd and 4th people in the squads assault rifles. When driving, the number 1 is ALWAYS the driver and WILL NOT USE their weapon. Placing automatic weapons on the other 3 will mean maximum damage output.


  • 1 can of food or 1 cooked meal supports 4 people a day. This includes the squads. If you start the game on normal with 40 people, you would need to find or create 10 food to survive.
  • Note: Farms provide 3 food but in this version they can have their food yield increased to 4.


  • The game auto-saves every 12 in game hours. At 06:00 and 18:00. Because of this, the potential to reset the night if it is too disastrous is there. Simply reload the auto-save for 18:00.


  • Wood is limited, trees in the current build will NOT respawn. Buildings can be deconstructed for wood, brick and metals and will respawn when loading a save.

Ammo Saving

  • You can save ammo by using bows in towers.


  • Gates are only good as focus point for zombies also having 4 guards on it counts as a tower.


  • You can generate research points by having your people in a research center. Looting buildings with knowledge means an immediate gain in research books.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2508 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


    • When you click on a building, there is a sledgehammer icon on the right hand side under the building information. You click that, and assign workers to complete the task

  1. Just small typs that i found until now:
    1. you have no real penalty for Shelter (you dont need to build houses for your people) they will stay at HQ that have good HP so just let 1 squad inside and its protected.
    2. wood is limited!! trees will not respawn so only other option is dismental buildings which will giwe you other materials as brick and iron. So if you have to build walls use bricks since it has no other use. Wood is important for food production but you will need it for tools, weapons, fuel and ammo.
    3. Buildings respawns after reloading save so try to use it to your advantage.
    4. For 100 people you only need 7 farms + research, Barn up to 13 people depends on size of the house and cookhouse fore same number of people.

    • 5. Car is not needed for explolation. Optiman number even in night scavangeing is 3 squads with pistols. Keep them togetehr and go from house to house. They will search faster clear house from zombies faster. Dont fight zombies on streats just get in the hous. But dont forget to watch for ammo of your squads.
      6. you can save ammo by useing bows in towers.
      7. Gates are only good as focus point for zombies + have guards on it counts as tower. i have bad experience useing them because AI have bad pathfinding
      8. You can generate research points so you dont need to look for books after first discovering it.

  2. The first aid kits do work, you have to select the squad click the exchange button on the right hand side and select your storage with the med kits in. Drag the med kit over the injured person it will use a percentage of the med kit depending on how injured they are.

    • Yes i discovered this earlier too, but it doesn’t work automatically as ammo and weapons do. It is all manual, so yes first aid kits work but not as intended. Also the recovery time for people is so quick, they aren’t needed. As I’ve seen in my games.

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