Internet Cafe Simulator 2 – 100% Full Achievement Guide

Walkthrough for all achievements.

How to Obtain All Achievements

I have 100% this game in less than 12 hours.

Here is the fastest way to 100% this game.

Do not do this if you’re trying to grind out the game less than 4 hours.


  • Its simple, just do the tutorials, if you cant do this at least, uninstall.


  • Find the rabbit club, spend 100$ at the bodyguard to go inside. Back room behind bar has a poker table. Play it once. Done


  • Make sure you talk to the beggar and do his quests, sleeping causes progression of days, everyday the beggar will have a new quest, you must actually sleep to progress his missions. one of his missions he asks you to beat up a bald guy in a white tank top, just look for the guy who looks like Vin Diesel and knock him out with the baseball bat and return to the beggar to complete quest.


  • Knock some people out.


  • Crack a game using the cmd console on your PC.

Police investigation

  • Just let the police come up to you and search you, they randomly will search you in the game so dont try and instigate them, it doesnt work.


  • When you leave your apartment, there are two dumpsters straight ahead of you, look between them, Amogus.


  • Knock out a thief trying to steal from you.

Game Lover

  • EZ, just buy all the games on Steam on your PC (Steam is downloaded from the app page on your web browser in game).


  • Buy bitcoin miners and mine over 1 BTC and then go sleep in your bed.

MMO golem

  • Play warcry classic on your PC and kill a golem.

Flying Cafe

  • Another quest from the beggar (his last quest) (progression day 7 from sleeping) he needs $1,500.00.


  • Buy the Hotdog stand from your cafe site.

Free Spin

  • Buy the free spin for $2000.00 on Fruit Spin.


  • Buy/sell at least 100,000 total $ worth of crypto.


(this part is important)

  • Have $100,000, then go to sleep. It only triggered it for me by sleeping.

Note: If you need to know how to obtain the Richest achievement in detail then follow this guide.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. If you don’t care about having fun and just want to make money, make sure you start the game by buying the $1370 arcade machines and start gambling on the PC. I’ve had the fruit slot in the background and I end up making 1000s. I’m mid game and just made $60k in free spins. The slot is a high chance to pay back.

  2. Thanks for tell about achievements.
    And for some people question about golem .for kill golem mission ,you have to full of items and all advance items.

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