Want to clear all those rocks on your farm quickly and easily without hunting down tons of bananas or buying thousands of dollars worth of bombs? Here’s how!
Economic Bomb Guide
A Few Mechanics to Be Aware of…
Almost every ‘object’ in this game can be filled with various fluids. Not just kobolds, buckets, basins, or the mighty watering can. Nope. You can fill eggplants, too! Watermelon, pineapple, and even a banana can be absolutely stuffed full of whatever you want to splash upon them. So, now that you understand this very important mechanic of the game, let’s get onto the meat of the guide.
The Pineapple Surprise!
This is super simple and you can use any fruit you want… Except for bananas because that’s expensive. Alright, here we go.
Step the First: Blend or grind down a banana and put it in a bucket, basin, or (preferably) watering can. You’ll need this later to make things explode!
Step duos: You know all those fruits and random odds and ends you have lying around? They could have more potassium in them. Why not gather them all up together and just splash the big heap of tree candy with that banana juice you just made. Cool? Cool. You only need a ‘drop’ of the ole’ banana slamma to prime these, so a watering can lets you really milk just how many splodies you can make with a single mynana. You can make em’ individually this way and a little spritz will do ya.
The step where things explode!: Now these primed fruities are full of vitamin K. Any ole’ splash of water will make them go nuclear! Go ahead and plant them around the farm where you might want some bang for your buck and then give em’ a little splish splash with your water bucket.
What part of the step where things explode did you not understand?: You shouldn’t be reading this. Back away before your newly made bomb explodes, ya horny lizard! I tried to make this amusing so you’d remember the guide after reading it, not follow along with it when there is a time sensitive explosion about to go off in your face!
That’s it. You’re done and hopefully not ragdolled on the floor because you stood right on top of the Pineapple Surprise.
Better yet, since eggs are technically containers, you can make them explode by watering them with banana and water. They don’t get destroyed, but they will only explode once!