Lootun – Renegade Tank Build Guide

Renegade Tank Guide (Build and Tips)

Renegade is a tank that brings a lot of team utility in Vigilance taunt and Rain of Arrows. Inspiring Presence provides a buff of health, damage, and stagger to your team.

In a non-curse of slowness raid, he can get 75% dodge, 73% evade, 45% stagger, and 100% block before other defenses.

The shield + bracer enchant + block enchants ensure you reach 100% block for less spikes of damage.

The Renegade passive Purging Rebuke is taken instead of the pants enchant Purify to maintain stacks of stagger at all times. Shedding stagger stacks is important for healing and dodge.

Curse Breaker is worn to reduce curse effect in raids and can be swapped for another amulet when not needed.

Savage Flail, Nomadic Runestone, and Spider Silk Wraps provide additional debuffs for team utility.

Gem priorities are attack speed > health > evasion > other defensive stats.

Can casually tank heroic Highlord to 400 stacks solo with no flasks.

Update 1.0

Here’s Renegade Tank updated for 1.0. He has no problem tanking all the way through heroics and some endless.

He’s a full evasion/dodge tank and has over 65% dodge in Curse of Slowness fights.

The buff duration and cooldown times are set so that there is a half second of downtime on Smokescreen so that he can double dip Lasting Protection during Smokescreen for an extra 5% dodge. He’s ailment immune and block/dodge capped. He also has over 75% evasion.

He’s got Pendant of Undeath, Rebirth, Aegis, and Defiance for if he does get hit.

I used Arcane res/Evasion meteorites.

I didn’t take the Purify or Cleanse enchant like other tanks since that would wipe his stagger stacks.

I put Resilient Pads on in case he gets stunned because otherwise he’d have to sit through the full duration without any Cleanse or debuff duration. That can be switched out at your discretion.

Take Toxic off if you’re in an encounter where you shouldn’t kill adds. It can possibly kill them.

He can solo all heroic raids (slowly) except for Twins due to unavoidable damage. For that you can swap in Obscured Greaves.

Stat screen is him in a solo Curse of Slowness fight which has -45% evasion -22.5% dodge.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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