A complete list of currently available sailors for your expeditions, and where to get them.
At the time, there are 126 stronghold sailors referrenced, 52 of which are available in our current version of the game. Among them, there are:
- 2 Legendary Sailors
- 12 Epic Sailors
- 15 Rare Sailors
- 9 Senior Sailors
- 14 Normal Sailors
They can be acquired from multiple sources, detailled in the guide. Overall, the total ressources needed to get 50 sailors are:
- 4 Rapports (47,400 points total)
- 850 Mokoko Seeds
- 4,008 Gienah’s Coins
- 40,080 Pirate Coins
- 50,720 Victory Seals
- 70% completion in Arthelite’s Adventure Tome
- 80% completion in Rohendel’s Adventure Tome
- 70% completion in Punika’s Adventure Tome
Things to Look Out For
- A lot of sailors can be acquired using Victory Seals, which you can get by sending the sailors you already own in expeditions. If you want to upgrade quickly, focusing your expeditions on Victory Seals might be smart. However, please note that this will delay your access to other traders (Raid Seals / Adventurer Seals) who might sell interesting ressources or collectibles.
- The best sailors are mostly limited to a single ship. If you want to be efficient, you’ll need to acquire new ships as you acquire new sailors.
- The sailors used in your Stronghold are entirely different from the ones used to navigate ! This guide only covers the stronghold sailors. Be careful when trading: stronghold sailors are labelled as such, and the way their resistances are displayed is different.

For now, four sailors can be acquired from rapports. All of them are quick rapports to do, are available quite early in the game, one of them is a legendary sailor, they cover 8 differents weaknesses… and to put the cherry on top of the cake, all of them can be used on any ship for your expeditions.
The main drawback being that other rapports are necessary for some very important collectibles (most notably Giant Hearts, but also Island Token, Potions or Masterpieces). You should aim for all of them as early as possible, in accordance to your priorities.
Legendary Sailor – Anabel
How to acquire: Maximize your rapport (17,800 points) with Anabel in Rania Village (North Vern)

It is recommended to use gifts to increase your rapport, because one of the two actions you can use (Joy emote) requires max rapport with Mokamoka in the Mokoko village. It might take up to 70 days if you use only Heart’s Melody.

Epic Sailor – Orne
How to acquire: Maximize your rapport (5,900 points) with Orne in Totrich (Arthetine)

If you can unlock Song of Resonnance fast, you’ll only need 10 days to maximize Orne’s rapport, and it is the best way to unlock him as a sailor. If you can’t get Song of Resonnance, it will take 24 days at most minus any gift.

Rare Sailor – Poppy
How to acquire: Maximize your rapport (17,800 points) with Poppy in Icewing Heights (Sushire)

You need the Affection emote from Totopia to increase this rapport as fast as possible. It is easy to get, so no sweat. Without gifts, it will take 34 days to complete Poppy’s rapport. Achieving this also grants a cute puppy mount.

Rare Sailor – Jude
How to acquire: Maximize your rapport (5,900 points) with Rancher Jude in Frozen Sea (Sushire)

Like Anabel, using gifts is an efficient solution because the Joy emote requires max rapport with Mokamoka in the Mokoko village. However Jude is much less efficient as a sailor than Anabel is. If you only use Song of Valor it will take 24 days at most.

Mokoko Seeds
These sailors come from collecting Mokoko all around the world of Lost Ark. These are sailors you want to have on your team ASAP, considering two of them can be used on any ships, and the three of them cover 5 different elements. Moreover, if you take on the farming early you can get the first sailor before you even get access to your stronghold expeditions. An easy task, but alas, a long one.
All in all, 850 mokoko seeds are required.
Legendary Sailor – Kind Paruru
How to acquire: Collect a total of 850 Mokoko seeds and bring them to Totoma in Mokoko Village (Tortoyk)

Epic Sailor – Mukomuko
How to acquire: Collect a total of 500 Mokoko seeds and bring them to Totoma in Mokoko Village (Tortoyk)

Senior Sailor – Chicachica
How to acquire: Collect a total of 150 Mokoko seeds and bring them to Totoma in Mokoko Village (Tortoyk)

Traveling Merchant Ships
These ships:
- Spawns every hour (00:00, 14:00 or 17:00 for example).
- Disappear after about 30 minutes (0:30, 14:30 or 17:30, for example).
- Can change location every time.
- Sell different sailors every time.

New Vernese Exploring Ship (Blue Path) | Luterran Royal Trade Ship (Red Path) |
Sublime Island | White Wave Island |
Eternity Isle | Dreamgull Island |
Niheltalop’s Thoughts | Starlight Isle |
Goblin Island | Sunflower Island |
Gravis | Lopang Island |
Hypnos’s Eyes | Toto Silver Island |
Ressources needed for the New Vernese Exploring Ships (blue path):
- 4,008 Gienah coins
Ressources needed for the Lutteran Royal Trade Ships (red path):
- 40,080 Pirate coins
Blue Path (purchased with Gienah’s Coins)
New Vernese Exploring Ship (Blue Path)
Epic Sailor – Silver Chain Alice – 1,336 Gienah’s Coins

Rare Sailor – Mercenary Captain Ronimus – 1,002 Gienah’s Coins

Senior Sailor – Peddler Daniel – 668 Gienah’s Coins

Senior Sailor – Derrick – 668 Gienah’s Coins

Normal Sailor – Daniel – 167 Gienah’s Coins

Normal Sailor – Gaon – 167 Gienah’s Coins

Red Path (purchased with Pirate Coins)
Luterran Royal Trade Ship (Red Path)
Epic Sailor – Austin the Fighter – 13,360 Pirate Coins

Rare Sailor – Rique / Lyke – 10,020 Pirate Coins

Senior Sailor – Bjorn – 6,680 Pirate Coins

Senior Sailor – Jade – 6,680 Pirate Coins

Normal Sailor – Shez – 1,670 Pirate Coins

Normal Sailor – Cho Jepeng – 1,670 Pirate Coins

Stronghold Visiting Merchants
Last (and longest) way to get stronghold sailors. Visiting merchants are merchants that spawn on a regular timer inside your stronghold, and will trade you sailors for Victory Seals.
- The merchants and their inventory are both on rotation (the merchant changes on a schedule, and each time, the merchant comes back with different sailors to trade).
- Even if you get a merchant trading sailors, they will only sell one at a time.
- You start up with 3 Merchants, and only one (Rami) can sell you stronghold sailors.
- To unlock more, you’ll need to complete each continent Adventure Tome.
- The ones we’re interested in are Flarke (70% in Arthetine Tome) and Astiel (80% in Rohendel Tome).
- Another merchant we’re interested in, Florr, can be unlocked by completing multiple Una quests x28 times in Great Castle on Yorn continent.
If you want to unlock your stonghold sailors as fast as possible, avoid recruiting any other merchant than those three (Flarke in Arthethine ; Astiel in Rohendel ; Florr in Yorn) as the rotation makes it harder to get the sailors you want. However, please note this may delay other collectibles, notably 1 Masterpiece, 1 Adventure, regular sailors and a few skill runes.
Stronghold Merchant – Rami
Rami is one of the three starting merchant available. She sells a lot of low quality (Normal / Senior) sailors, but she trades them for dirt cheap and they can be used on any ships. Don’t bother with them if you’ve already gotten higher quality sailors from Mokoko Seeds or Rapports, unless you want to cover a specific weakness you don’t have yet.
Ressources needed to get every sailor from Rami:
- 14,885 Victory Seals
Epic Sailor – Martial Artist Yeonhwa – 2760 Victory Seals

Rare Sailor – Dekudeku – 2190 Victory Seals

Rare Sailor – Alberda – 2190 Victory Seals

Rare Sailor – Marymary – 2080 Victory Seals

Senior Sailor – Totoski – 1460 Victory Seals

Senior Sailor – Shaserio – 1460 Victory Seals

Senior Sailor – Puani – 1385 Victory Seals

Normal Sailor – Trikius – 360 Victory Seals

Normal Sailor – Handerson – 360 Victory Seals

Normal Sailor – Etienne – 340 Victory Seals

Normal Sailor – Ecor – 100 Victory Seals

Normal Sailor – Riosto – 100 Victory Seals

Normal Sailor – Tenetra – 100 Victory Seals

Stronghold Merchant – Flarke
Flarke can be unlocked by completing 70% of the Arthetine Tome. You then need to complete the quest, “Morlo Guild’s Invitation”, and research the contract in your stronghold’s lab (it takes about 5 minutes).

Ressources needed to get every sailor from Flarke:
- 12,910 Victory Seals
Epic Sailor – Amelda – 2760 Victory Seals

Epic Sailor – Haruru – 2760 Victory Seals

Rare Sailor – Appraiser Bijorn – 2190 Victory Seals

Rare Sailor – Dakin – 2080 Victory Seals

Rare Sailor – Leehyun – 2080 Victory Seals

Normal Sailor – Grimani – 360 Victory Seals

Normal Sailor – Purarr – 340 Victory Seals

Normal Sailor – Ronimus – 340 Victory Seals

Stronghold Merchant – Astiel
Astiel can be unlocked by completing 80% of the Rohendel Tome. You then need to complete the quest, “Silver Wave Merchant Guild’s Invitation”, and research the contract in your stronghold’s lab (it takes about 5 minutes).

Ressources needed to get every sailor from Astiel:
- 9,170 Victory Seals
Epic Sailor – Wedd – 2615 Victory Seals

Epic Sailor – Shirok – 2615 Victory Seals

Rare Sailor – Gunther – 1970 Victory Seals

Rare Sailor – Politika – 1970 Victory Seals

Stronghold Merchant – Florr
Florr is the hardest (or rather, longest) merchant to get, as you need to farm 28 Una Quests in Great Castle (Yorn continent) before unlocking the quest “Umar Cosmetics’ Invitation”. You’ll then need to research the contract in your stronghold’s lab.
I couldn’t confirm yet if Florr really sells these Sailors, as the quest is very long. Sources seem to contradict on this point, some implying that Florr doesn’t sell any sailors, others indicating she sells 4 of them, and some others stating that she sells only 2 of them (Joffrey & Hilder) while the other 2 (Wat & Phoebe) are currently unavailable in our version of the game. If you go with this quest for the sailors, proceed at your own risk.

Ressources needed to get every sailor from Florr:
- 9,170 Victory Seals
Epic Sailor – Wat – 2615 Victory Seals

Epic Sailor – Phoebe – 2615 Victory Seals

Rare Sailor – Hilder – 1970 Victory Seals

Rare Sailor – Joffrey – 1970 Victory Seals

Stronghold Merchant – Nasha
Nasha is obtained in Punika. Once you achieve 70% completion in Punika’s adventure tome, you’ll get access to the quest “Invitation from the Lailai Merchant’s Association”. Complete it to unlock Nasha as a merchand in your stronghold.
Ressources needed to get every sailor from Nasha:
- 4,585 Victory Seals
Epic Sailor – Haï – 2615 Victory Seals

Rare Sailor – Plione – 1970 Victory Seals

Starter Sailors
Those two are included to make this guide as comprehensive as possible, but they are technically impossible to miss. You get contracts for both Zenith and Austin automatically when you complete the stronghold quest “Kind Neighbor, Cals”, which will then unlock the Expeditions mechanic.
Senior Sailor – Austin
How to acquire: Finish the “Kind Neighbor, Cals” quest in your stronghold.

Normal Sailor – Zenith
How to acquire: Finish the “Kind Neighbor, Cals” quest in your stronghold.

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