You feel like consoles are just not worth it at all anymore, are you doing something wrong?
Tips for Consoles
Consoles do start with a negative profit but even with the current balance it’s easy to get the money back, as long as your selling price is above production cost.
Funding is frankly a joke in Legendary, trying it in Medium I noticed a small increment in the number of games released in my console, but in Legendary you can put a billion there and won’t use more than a few millions in a decade.
Things that help consoles but not everyone knows/figures out:
- Releasing a console without a “launch title” will cut its initial sales by 50%, and from what I’ve seen, this does affect the maximum potential sales too. It’s only around a 5% decrease from what I’ve seen, but paired up with other things, it can wreck your profit.
- Releasing a console that’s not at hype 100 will curb its potential sales. No, pumping the hype up to 100 after release won’t fix it. Just like releasing a buggy game is an unwise idea, so is releasing an “unhyped” console.
- Keeping hype above 90 is important. It may look like a bad idea to pump 500k every two or three months into a console, but it keeps its sales from decreasing fast, so you recover a lot more than you spend.
- Built-in games used to not do anything noticeable, but from what I’ve seen, releasing a console with no built-in game (or a bad built-in game, as in, below 80%,) will also affect your sales.
- The lower your profit (while staying in the positives,) the more you will sell, and the more profit you’ll end up making in the long run. I’ve never moved my consoles away from the $5 to $10 profit range, never needed to, and with the new balance helping sales increase, it’s even more of a good idea.
- Cost optimization and, if needed, durability, will increase profit. I’ve run the same console with the same parameters both with and without cost optimization, and it makes enough of a difference to be worth the “waste” of money and time.
These observations are from playing mostly in Legendary/Very Hard, but if they work in those difficulties, they will work better in easier difficulties where the game’s not actively trying to make you go bankrupt.
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