Melvor Idle – Ancient Relics Primer / Tips

Quick explanation for and tips about Ancient Relics Mode. Temporary until wiki gets a proper guide.

Gamemode Rules

Since some people miss it or forget here’s a recap with small expanded notes:

Ancient Relics can be located in all Skills to gain unique permanent modifiers(6 per Skill)

  • There are 5 Relics you can obtain by RNG. You can obtain 2 of those 5 when hitting level 20 and level 99 in that skill. The 6th relic is obtained by owning the other 5.

Maximum Skill Levels are capped at Level 10

Defeat Dungeons to increase Maximum Skill Level for randomized Skill (Choice of 2)

  • You do this 5 times after first clearing a dungeon. It will present a choice of 2, you pick, then it will present another choice of 2. The level increase is typically 15 at a time(20 for Cartography and Archaeology).

Combat Levels, except Prayer and Slayer, automatically increase when defeating a Dungeon.

  • They go up by 5 levels on a Dungeon First clear

Fishing and Cooking are locked until completion of Impending Darkness

Dungeons also provide Food Crates upon completion as a reward.

All preservation and doubling is disabled.

  • Unless the Ancient Relic you obtain says otherwise.

Harsher penalties applied against you in Combat.

  • Hardcore/Adventure mode combat triangle.

Recommended Dungeon Order

Most combat in other modes is done by overleveling combat stats so dungeons are save and/or can be idled. Since your health is constantly capped until you beat another dungeon you are going to need to manually eat and pay attention in most dungeons in this mode.

This means that you only want to take on bosses who can’t easily one-shot you. To this end, the recommended order is based on the maximum hit of the enemies in the dungeon. For most bosses this will be the final boss.

The recommended order is:

  1. Chicken
  2. Undead
  3. Spider
  4. Frozen
  5. Deep Sea
  6. Bandit
  7. Wizards
  8. Miolite

On those you can do the first 6 easily with magic so it is the recommended combat type.

If you’re on PC you can get through the first 2-3 by spam eating potatoes. You definitely want a better food source as soon as you can.

Helpful Skills

These are the skills that are helpful / preferable to have. RNG will dictate choices you get so I’ll just list out some common thresholds that pop up. In no particular order:

  • Slayer 40/75 – Access to Miolite Caves, Infernal Stronghold. More dungeons = more/stronger stats
  • Thieving 40 – Reliable food source from Chef
  • Runecrafting – Just in general, better Runecrafting gives you access to higher tier magic spells and armor
  • Summoning – Just in general, you’ll need summons to help clear the new barrier dungeons

These are also nice to have:

  • Cartography 50 – Really just 35 so you can access Mucky Cave to help with barrier dungeons
  • Crafting 25 – Introductory Barrier gear
  • Smithing 40 – Gold/Silver smelting for trimming
  • Archaeology – Good items to be found

This is of course a non-exhaustive list so use your judgment when picking.

Non desireable:

  • Firemaking – Skills are going to be capped for most of the game so you can’t get the main draw of firemaking, the cape, until late. Lots of +% Mastery relics for other skills.
  • Township – 1 pick at most for a chance at Nightfall Relic. Player’s preference.

Food and General Tips

Early sources of Food:

  • Township Task for 2,000 Potatoes
  • Township Task for 200 Fish
  • Cartography – A New Start 50 Shrimp at (14, 17)
  • Farming – Kill Junior Farmer for easy seeds

Slayer coin resupply – Keep Township at level 10 so you can easily skip casual tasks that don’t reward Slayer Coins. Slayer Coin rewards are based on your Slayer level. This is why you only one to upgrade Township once at max as skipping tasks becomes more expensive the higher your Township level is.

If you do plan on doing melee, grab the Steel Platebody(G) from the Easy Township tasks.

Useful Cartography rewards:

  • Barrier Gem: The Eye-Conic Cave at (10,18)
  • Mucky Cave: (22,18)
  • Prayer: 56,000 prayer points(doubled if you get the relic) at (17,17)
  • Armor: Mithril Platebody(G) and Knight’s cape at (21,16)
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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