Are They Worth It?
It mostly depends on what difficulty you’re playing on and what skill levels you’re at. Intermediate can comfortable train up to lvl 5 and adequately till lvl 6.
After that without the Learning buff from Advanced/Specialized classrooms their growth comes to a crawl and if you don’t save all of their trials to manually micromanage during this time they will have the -35 conviction penalty for extended periods of time(along with the Volatile -20 perma debuff Tier III get).
That means that without House Commons and good food(and a schedule/automation that guarantees they don’t miss a single meal) you have an almost guaranteed Break in the works
Just to put it into perspective I have a Tier III Gifted Nature student at the moment midway from lvl 7 to lvl 8 and no advanced classrooms, just an intermediate one(I slacked on research on this school).
In the time it has taken me to get him from 5 to there I have fully trained and graduated 6 rotations of Tier II students on the same schedule and I expect to go through at least 2 more rotations before that one is ready to be hired.
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